Zach Prichard

This whole article is gold. I chuckled the whole time. 

Part of the reason for this, I think, is that esports aren’t actual sports. They’re products, owned by corporations.

Ehhh... This is a little like people thinking The Office should have had Creed-centric episodes. Characters like this are best left to exist as is. Exploring them rarely pays interesting narrative dividends.

They could have aimed higher than “brightly-colored garbage for toddlers” without having to try to be Shakespeare. Like, those aren’t the only two options.

Which is odd because I don’t even remember “I Will Always Love You” being in it.

They did a good job of making the movie uncomplicated for D&D virgins but giving nods and winks to long time players. It’s a fun movie. 

I watched it this past weekend at a sneak peek event and I thought it was entertaining despite being flawed. I hope it does well beyond the core D&D/RPG fan community because I would definitely love to see more adventures on the big screen. 

And where is Discotheque?

Found the first fan!

There’s a big difference between a friend in their 50s making a comment about getting “a real phone” and an pre-teen being ostracized because of a chat bubble color. I have an older kid and I’ve seen both. Sure it’s a sweeping generalization obviously made for effect, but it’s coming from a real place.

Yup, verified. Damn I touched a d-bag nerve.

He was placed on paid administrative leave following the crash...”

Yeeeeah no. Sorry, but it just looked ridiculous, and completely out of place in a “prestige TV” that the show was doing its damnedest to be so far. I’m sure it was nice fan service for game fans, but as someone who never played the game it completely broke the mood. 

fun fact: they call it the halftime show because it occurs between the first and second half of the Super Bowl

I think it depends on the person. If it makes them feel better and cool down faster then that’s alright as long as they’re not hurting anyone. It’s not good if it makes them angrier or it becomes habitual and they need to rage more aggressively to get the same relief.

The landfill ate my face!

What normie plebs fail to understand is the potential optimization for the upscaling in career goals shared across an evolving dynamic and life affirming user generated multiplatform brain fuckhole

Sir, this is a wendy’s. Are you going to order or not?

I’m still struggling to find actual “misconduct” here.

So far, the main themes seem to be:
1) The Trump White House and Biden campaign both asked for select posts to be taken down. So far, the only named ones are from the Biden campaign asking to remove dick pics of Hunter Biden.
2) There’s no government involvement

Bahaha are you really both siding this?