Zach Prichard

Seriously. I have two kids and watch tons of things on the brightly colored spectrum that hit just fine.

But SMB was just plain boring. Maybe 1 or 2 funny jokes and the rest is just a slog story in a Nintendo wrapper. Not a thing charming or fun about it.

Check out Overdrop too (and it lets you pick your “weather engine” - which can be AccuWeather, DarkSky, WeatherBit or OpenWeatherMap).

Also has a super clean and friendly UI like DS or Carrot.

“State-funded media” is shorthand for “just a mouthpiece for the government which, come on, you know are just lying to you!”

It’s definitely a dig and a dog-whistle to the right.

Some guy’s modified truck killed an 11 year old girl in Raleigh’s Christmas Parade this year. 

As a non D&D player, this movie looks like something I’d watch!

I’m the opposite. I think they’re great songs but definitely felt more standard U2 (coming off AB and Zooropa). Discotheque, Mofo, Do You Feel Loved? (which is just fucking killer...and never got any love). Those tracks are my fave just because of how different it was. Followed by Please/Velvet/Wake

As a lifelong U2 fan... this is a pretty solid list!

Except that Pop (and especially the AB/Zoo/Pop trio) is a sensational record. I just do not get the hate. You have 3 trashy fun-as-hell dance tracks that give way to solid guitar rock (Gone is incredible live) and eventual haunting “ballads” (Velvet Dress, Please,

And he’s just barely hanging on by a thread mentally and he plays that so well. God I love that movie.

How do I give this comment negative stars?


Thank GOD for the “American Beauty/The Insider” mention. The Insider is one of the greatest movies ever. Like you said... stone cold masterpiece. I was stunned it didn’t win (although I guess not really stunned given the clamor AB was getting).

But it is so far above American Beauty, I swear I spend a healthy portion

Also Apple topping the transfer speed out at USB 2.0 speeds is clearly just an F You move. We’re not talking about requiring special cables and chargers to meet certain power draw needs.

Android makers have not been doing this in an arbitrary licensing scheme no. The article mentions fast charging because physically you need a certain level of cable and charger to hit those speeds but that is not the same as artificially limiting a cable unless you have paid a licensing fee.

“Everybody loved contractors.” was easily the best joke of the episode lol.

Trying to read and comprehend all of that and...

We don’t Vink shame here

Here is a good, sane take on the chemistry behind what’s going on.
TLDR; burning was the only realistic option and while you don’t want to have your head over it breathing it in, this is not a Chernobyl and is unlikely to have any real lasting effect. Most of the stuff is broken down easily.

He goes over the VC and

But that doesn’t really matter anyway. There’s no rule that says they have to adhere to the same plot.

It’s simply really good story telling and world building. You can take that feeling from such an in-depth look into a single couple and extrapolate that out to a lot of other characters we meet only briefly. It allows

Prince was far and away the #1 for me.

The Weeknd #2 (shitty mix aside)
U2 #3
Bruno Mars 2014 # 4

Sometimes your brain just... short circuits. I remember reading aloud to a class one time and I came across the word “arrogant” which.. I mean it’s basic vocabulary... I know the word! But for some reason my brain was like “hmm maybe this should now be pronounced ah-RAH-gunt instead!”

No actual logic to it. Brain just