
BBC is making the realization that they just killed the goose that layed the golden eggs.

Texting and driving is terrible, but if I’m skipping some songs on Spotify at a light I shouldn’t get yelled at by some dick on a bike.

Honestly, when you are at a redlight, with cars behind you, the worst that can happen is get honked at to go. I’m fine with people yelling at texters/phone users while moving, but if you are stopped, don’t be a dick.

“He was very busy texting and talking away on his mobile phone. He became visibly angry when I told him to put down his cell phone while he was in his car.”

If ``most people are awful drivers. You know it. I know it. It’s a fact of life that can’t be avoided..,’’ then why are so many of the awful drivers in America?

You won’t see nearly as many Germans dawdling in the left lane, changing lanes or turning without signalling, or texting while driving. And they have fewer

The good news: the guy looks two ways.

“Terrible form. 3/10”

Sometimes I really wish I had rear-facing high beams.

I always figured my car just threw a shoe.

Are you telling me that the sound of my cracked hubcaps shuddering violently over every pothole isn’t the sound of elegance and class?

Lamborghini Egoista. It’s very literally in the name.

adjective: having or showing no concern for something that is important or serious.

Buick Regal.

Chevy Celebrity Eurosport. Doesn’t get much more conceited than that.


Now playing

There you go. Enjoy twelve minutes of twelve cylinders awesomeness.

I find myself watching and keeping up with F1 more out of habit than enjoyment. Still some great racing and performances by the drivers and teams, but the FIA just keeps trying to strangle them.

Harley owners: this is when it’s acceptable to drop $30k+ on a Harley.