Mike Lord

For many years, The Great Deceiver live set was standard listening for me. If someone couldn't see the glory of that band, I wasn't sure if I could be friends with that person…

All three boxes are worth having… I even managed to get Wetton to sign the LTIA box after a show in NYC a few years back…

And, Bill Hodgman was also Brisco County's sidekick on the old Adventures of Brisco County show, which was *also* created by Carlton Cuse…

Fuck me, but the Bogeyman story from that collection can still keep me up at night…

I look at it this way. Russell talked about the spitting thing being a way he "owned" people. Dr. Brown's turnaround on him, is her way of showing that she "owns" him… If she fired him, then she couldn't make him twist in the wind, and see how hard he's trying to make up for the spitting…

I'm truly enjoying this show, as it moves forward. I do think the house burning was something to show how far these guys (specifically Russell) would go, but also that it was an outlier of an event.

I'm on my re-read of the series also (up to Cibola Burn), and one thing I noticed in Leviathan Wakes, and the other books, is that there's definitely some conflict at times in the crew, but it's not really lingered over at all. I think that's what makes the books seem like everyone gets along 100%, because there's

Agreed. I knew what was going to happen, and I was *still* tense throughout this whole episode…

If you read the books (which I have), you get a *different* kind of enjoyment from the series. I'd say if you *really* like being surprised by your TV, then don't read the books. But if you enjoy seeing how things play out, even when you know generally what's happening, then read the books.

I really loved Amos's facial expression after Miller hands Holden his ass, before they head up to Julie's hotel room. It a "Hey, I think I like this guy" expression…

Agreed, if you think the shootout is a climax, then what is coming will be explosive…

I'm re-reading the series now, and just started Abaddon's Gate. I remember not thinking it was as interesting as the first two books, but now that I'm not spending half the time wondering where the characters I like are, I'll see if I enjoy the book more this time around…

My reread of the book is right where this episode is, and they do have a mole on the station in the book, who relays the Roci's destination to *someone*, but the mole does not end up on the ship. I think it was a smart move for the show to put the mole on the ship, as it gives it a bit more weight when this happens.

FYI, SyFy renewed the show for a second season before the first episode even aired, so I think we'll be good for a Season 2. :)

Then it just gets into a matter of opinion, as the writers did think that that plot was a priority, versus putting romantic relationship development into the show.

In that case, there's additional dialogue that uses time, the most precious resource in any TV show. That's why there's deleted scenes on most TV shows, because things are edited to the second for running time. If you have 30 seconds of Hera and Kanan talking about their relationship, that 30 seconds has to come

Biggs is a coward. Watch the attack on the Death Star in Episode IV, he's always talking about hanging back, he sounds very nervous in the battle, and doesn't do much of anything.

If you have a show with a 22 minute running time, if you want to add a scene to develop a relationship, in this case, a romance between the two adults on the show, then something else has to be cut. There's only a limited amount of minutes in a script, and if you want to add something in, something has to come out.

Anakin: Hey, Obi-Wan?
Obi-Wan: Yes, Anakin?
Anakin: Remember my padawan, Ashoka, who quit the Jedi order a year or so ago?
Obi-Wan: Certainly!
Anakin: She was pretty cool.

Agreed. Kanan looks like the leader, but he's not quite ready for prime time. And, in a rebel/underground cell, it might actually be good (from Hera's perspective) to have outsiders think that someone else is actually in "charge" of the group.