Mike Lord

Also, I’m enjoying that ‘the mall’ is where the kids want to go, as malls were the boogey-man that destroyed Main Street ‘mom and pop’ stores, much like Amazon destroyed the mall, in the context of this episode.

I love this show, and I have absolutely no issues with the seasons of the show not mapping exactly to the books. Let the show breathe at its own pace.

Indeed! I'm part of a podcast that discusses all things Genesis related, so I agree with your hypothesis… Check out Tabletop Genesis for the podcast…

I am not ashamed to say that when I saw McCartney at Yankee Stadium in 2013 or so, I basically broke down by the 2nd song of the set.


I don't think we're going to get to the end, it would feel incredibly rushed if it did. I'm totally fine with one season not equaling one book for this show.

Indeed! I think part of it is the military training of, if you have an opportunity to eat or shit, take it…

Agreed. I think all the setup with her bonding with her team, really caring for them in the first half of the season, was there to facilitate this turn of hers at this point. That her supervisors are willing to sanction the killing of her team, for temporary gain, goes against everything she believes in.

I don't believe the character is a one-to-one book character, but I think he supplanted the character in the cafe that Bobbie does go to in the book, where she learns a bit about Basic support.

If you ask me, I would think that Mao is probably working for no one but himself…

The show was very smart about bringing Earth into the plot in a more direct way that the book does. It was the right choice for the book to leave Earth out of the first one, and the right choice for the show to bring in those plot lines.

Don't make promises you can't keep… ;)

Very true, but this show (and the books) are all about laying groundwork for what comes later, which becomes apparent on every viewing (or re-read).

In the books, we really only get "post-Ganymede-attack" Bobbie, so seeing how she was before the attack I think will lead into more of the personality we saw in the books… Just a hunch on my part, though.

The books are eminently readable. They tell good, solid, tight stories with interesting characters and good action.

I may have to check it out. I've generally avoided reddit, but I imagine that there are some good conversations to be had with reasonable people.

This is a non-spoiler reply, so you can read this… :)

I know, but if there's anything that SF has taught me, is that we should dare to dream. :)

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………………………………….. You may be on to something there. ;)

I am wondering if it would be possible to set up a book reader's comment page for this show, like there is for Game of Thrones… I know, I live in hope, but it would be nice to get into the weeds of the conversion from book to show, without having to hide text.