Mike Lord

As a fan of Babylon 5, I watched the Delenn/Sheridan relationship develop over 1.5 seasons. I'm cool with a slow burn of a relationship build.

The writer of reviews jokes about Chopper being an Empire plant, but what if it was Sabine? Those troopers at the start were *really* bad at shooting at her…

While I'm all for long term character development that takes its time, I do hope that Zeb moves forward in *some* way in the coming season. Or, if he has to sacrifice himself for the sake of the group, that's a way to give some instant pathos to a character…

I think it was the fact that one Star Destroyer was in major crisis, and it was really just a "jump in and save the day" kind of mission that allowed the Corvettes to do their thing. Had it been a real battle, those "rebel" ships would have had their ass handed to them in no time…

I do hope we see some old Clone destroyers flying around, or perhaps being retrofitted into Star Destroyers. I'd like to see that go on, or even have the Rebels have a few of the older models lying around.

There may actually be some clones with the Rebellion, and some that stayed with the Empire. The continuity is that the clones were serving the Republic, that evolved/devolved into the Empire under Palpatine. But, some, perhaps those not directly affected by Order 66, might have seen what their "brothers" did, and

So, even though everything is reset at the end of this episode, does anyone else out there think that there may be a possibility that Charlie and Dee will continue to bang on the downlow? I do!

While I'm fairly up on sexual slang (hello, Rusty Trombones and Dirty Sanchez!), I did have to look up cream-pie on Urban Dictionary…

And, they were officers, so perhaps Kallus could see his own neck being on the line in a future drab office conversation…

With the title of the Titanic episode riffing on "A Night to Remember," I never really thought that the episode would be aimed more at the Cameron movie. The movie/book "A Night to Remember" is more just a story of the ship sinking, without created plots like in Cameron's movie. Futurama was just taking the Titanic

If it was just a few years later, we all would have connected online, I'm sure…

I don't quite get your question, so my guess is not… If you watched it with people named Bill, Lou, and me, Mike, then maybe that's a bigger clue?

I got into B5 in mid-season 3 as it aired, from some friends in Boston. We'd watch the new episodes together on Sunday nights, sometimes getting up to 10-15 people together to view them.

I would go with whatever the order is on the DVDs. I think that sticks War Zone at the end, correct?

Yes, that is true. His only on screen appearance in the show.

Crusade is a hard one, because you go in knowing that it's going to get cut off before it really gets going. With that being said, I think there's good stories there. I'd say if you have the time, watch the full series, but if there's other things pulling at you, don't worry about it.

If you have the DVDs, watch the episode with JMS's commentary, and you'll hear him get emotional at the destruction of the station… When I get emotional at someone else getting emotional, it's emotion squared…

This is all true. The finale for me, gave me exactly what I needed. I sometimes hesitate to watch it again, because I know exactly how it will trigger me emotionally…

I remember thinking that I'd love to see the Vir/Zack show. That's a spinoff worthy of watching…

I said that I didn't want to tear up at work, and god-damn it, I teared up at work…