Mike Lord

Time span of the show was from October (2013?) to May (2014?). I don't think that's excessively long, but then again, I watched Babylon 5, where each season of the show was one year of "show-time".

I'd say watch it, and if it speaks to you, go back and try what you missed.

She moved out in episode 8, I believe it was.

My belief about any type of entertainment is that if it's not speaking to you emotionally, then don't bother with it.

My wife brought something up after we watched the episode. She said, "Do you think that Christine just left the baby, or maybe she was Departed…"

SPOILER FOR THE BOOK: I actually just read the novel last week, and Nora's letter to Kevin is part of that work. Her letter in the novel makes it clear at the start that it's not a suicide note. I think that for the TV version, keeping the ambiguity for longer makes sense…

And, I forgot to add in Michael O'Hare, who died a year or so ago…

Doh! I thought of this one before writing the list, and it inexplicably left my head while typing… Thanks for the save!

I don't know, but the real Ed Wasser is on twitter, doesn't tweet that much though…

I'm not sure here, but I would think that all of them had enough work to qualify for the SAG health coverage, that I thought was pretty good. Biggs died from a heart condition, much like John Ritter, Andreas was lung cancer, and Conaway was from his addiction issues. I don't know if the best insurance would have

Londo can always kill me when he has speeches, where he is leaving Delenn and Sheridan, where he simply asks them to remember, no matter what happens in the future, that he is their friend… Jurasik nails those moments every time.

JMS even commented on that, I believe either after Jeff Conaway or Richard Biggs' death, stating that the original Star Trek cast was alive for 30 years, but B5 is not having the same luck…

Both good additions to the list! I blanked on the pilot completely (understandable, right???), and I still have no real memory of the first episode of season 5…

I agree with you. I think I was just putting this forth as it being about one of our long running characters. I think Lise also did regret her path for the last few years, but it does allow she and Garibaldi now to have a stinking rich life on Mars… Not that that was the long term plan for her, but it does put them

Yes, I think it was a victim of some of the "We want a B5 spinoff without any references to B5 in it" situation. I'm still waiting for the continuation of the Crusade: What the Hell Happened books…

Assassination plots (going from memory here, so I may miss some):

I think that is true, the absence of pressure to continue the story made it possible for a true conclusion, where the mystery/plot isn't solved in the last half hour of a five year long show… Denouement is a good thing.

I do understand a concern about falling into traditional relationship tropes, but at the same time, one of JMS's comments about dealing with some areas on the show was that as much as things change in the future technologically, there's a lot about our culture that stays the same. I think the 'reward' of marriage

You're going to make me tear up right here in the comments, aren't you? :)

When I need a good TV Drama SF tear-up, there's not much better than these final B5 episodes…