Mike Lord

Can I just say how excited/sad I am that we're approaching the end of these reviews, and that, just like the episode itself, I'll probably tear up at the review for Sleeping in Light, just like I do when I watch it…

I think also, Severed Dreams, with the aftermath of the battle shown in human/Narn terms, the losses shown from the boarding party, is a way to try to show that there are consequences, life and death consequences, to the decision to break away from Earth. It might still be shown as necessary, but it does have

I think also, we have to think of Delenn's comments in the 100 years in the future segment, as responding to the dissection of someone who she loved and lived with for 20 years. Commentary on any historical figure will almost always miss out on the complexity of a person, because they are looking at the bigger, macro

Jeff Conaway was an underrated actor, and brought good stuff to the screen every time he was on B5, as far as I'm concerned.

I actually think that Lyta, as having been 'adjusted' by the Vorlons, could be looked at as being compromised. She obviously wasn't in total control of her adjustments, as Thirdspace shows.

One of the more positive heart attacks to ever happen. I don't know if Knight Two would have become a recurring part in any way, and Bester was a great role for Koenig to get at that time…

It's more like a season and a quarter. The initial season 4 finale was going to be "Intersections in Real Time," or whatever it's equivalent would have been titled in the alternate universe where JMS could have been guaranteed a 5th season.

I think part of the piece with "Illusion" is that if you give some people what they expect ("Look at all these troublemakers, the guy deserves to be beat up and made to confess!") then they'll fall for the other lies around it. If you look at propaganda from any era, it's easy to say, "That's so dopey, how do people

"I'm a telepath. Figure it out."

These episodes for me, the issues I have with them (which are not huge), is that generally there's a lack of time to deal with the outcomes of what we see on screen. For me, I've come to terms that in one way, the cause of this is that each season is one calendar year of "show time." So, in a 22 episode season,