
Chinese plants are filled with whimpering babies? Who are teething, and not seething? #corrections

Without sullying myself by visiting Twitter, let's hear some of the best lines that whoever controls @America is posting, Sam!

Had the surgery on a Tuesday, was out by Friday afternoon. Really hard to shift sleeping positions for a solid week and a half afterwards. It's been about 2.5 since the surgery now and it still hurts to take a deep breath, although it gets better every day. I really, really hope I don't need to have it done on the

I had the pleurodesis two weeks ago, dude (at least I'm assuming you're a dude, as the primary target group for pneumothorax is tall skinny males in their mid 20's, which I fit perfectly) so I feel your pain (quite literally). Same lung too, and yes, I often wonder if whether I'll have to repeat the whole damn process

My dad is actually on a research project down at the south pole right now, and he told us last week that he's meeting the Norwegian prime minister with the rest of his team - the PM flew down for a little photo-op/press conference thing to celebrate the centennial. Super cool; I'm jealous of my dad and I wish he had

Oh George, we all know you purposely framed that shot to make it look like you had balls resting on your head.

"obvious" troll is obvious, and Sam posts an article that involves technology and a political candidates fear and misunderstanding of it. They also post about Obama loving his Blackberry. They also posted about Weiner tweeting his weiner. Gizmodo has many biases (towards Apple) for example, but guess what, intelligent

Perhaps from a jar?

But it's Apple! What's an LG? Is it an iPhone? I want the one with the bigger Gee Bees.

I clicked the link to the apple store expecting to see real deals. Tablets for more than $400? Hah. Sorry, but $100-200 is the real price point to be hitting now.

You forgot hilarious chinese knock-off phones!

Normally, I'm all for horrifically skinny women, but this woman appears to be a flesh-colored version of something out of Avatar. I suppose "ultrathins" is indeed an apt name. I assume AMD will be hiring the model to demo the systems, correct?

I thought I was lucking out when I signed my US Cellular contract for 5 GB a month. Better than those AT&T suckers with only 2 GB, I thought to myself! Now, after tracking my data usage on my Android phone over a year of use, I use on average, 3 GB a month. And now I feel like I'm overpaying US Cellular, although it's

Apple is rumored to come out with a brick, which is a unified building solution with the ease-of-use of an Apple product. Shit, let's all throw away these hateful non-Apple bricks we've got here - there's a rumor of a better brick made by Apple right around the corner!!!!!

Verdict - Dying! Just like its developers! Ha ha! ehhhhhh...

"Oh God, where's Eric Schmidt?!!"

So basically, they're attempting to hire away redditors who also happen to work at Microsoft. Good show, old chap.

I remember building my first computer in 2000. I was a freshman in high school and I thought I knew what I was doing because my dad had been a programmer in the 80's. I was completely stymied by what to do next after sitting on the "Please insert boot media" BIOS screen. I had put in the Windows XP install disk but

You..uh...you can't upgrade to windows 7 from XP. Only from Vista to 7.

I suggested jokingly to my boss that we should make that our new Apache server root password. She almost took me seriously until I showed her that comic and said that correct horse battery staple is probably at the top of every dictionary attack now, just to get at wise-ass system admins.