
better for one-handed masturbaters.

Steve, if you posted a review of your time with the Nexus, I think we'd all love you even more (if that were possible). My boss approves of us employees watching any interview that has you in it, anyway.

This is why I use GQTM in place of LOL - "Giggling Quietly to Myself" seems more accurate than "Laughing out Loud."

I'll make the obligatory joke reference from a few months ago when it was discovered that Bing was stealing Google's search results. It's kind of like Apple's app store - it's just a "curated" version of what Google gives you anyway!

:shamefaced: sorry, didn't mean to make it sound that way.

About 2 meters down.

I see that you've lived in America then. I'm sure our worldwide readers are rolling their eyes at the thought of another SIM standard forced upon them by (let's assume) the iPhone 5 and a nation in which half the people don't even use that protocol.

She's passionately doing him. Isn't that what publicists do?!?

Started to read, realized it was about twitter and not about a new PDA that A.K. was using, immediately stopped reading.

Damn you Android; give me back my physical buttons! Why does everyone keep copying the worst parts of Apple's toys? Even the iPhone has ONE, for crying out loud.

Oh, only anyone who took a second to look at what they (the people) were like instead of their companies. I'm not really surprised that Jobs will finally be regarded as the demented genius - and complete asshole - I always figured he was.

Ya Ullah... this year in the Arab world is getting weirder and weirder.

I...I didn't even know that contract prices could go down... :( My head hurts.

Ask her what the best currently available Android phone is ;)

You both said a lot of things you're going to regret.

After jailbreaking, I'd imagine it's possible to find the sound files and replace them with the (likely copyrighted) Star Trek computer beeps. Dammit, I have to admit that this is the first time ever that I've actually been tempted by an Apple device. It sucks that you need to have a data connection to use Siri,

Ask her to Teach You How to Bucky.

I should have known that the phone itself wasn't smart enough to do voice processing. "But it needs that A5 processor, and that's why we couldn't bring it to the iPhone 4!" sure, Tim, whatever.

Nope. You had me worried for a second - first, the definition of beck, and then, used the same way on Wikitionary. But thanks for making me do some research on a saturday morning ;)