
Hey, DHS, pretty sure that DDoS is "distributed denial of service" not "dedicated." Get it right, feds!

Pulsed-electrical stimulus into the breast and thigh muscles at regular intervals should take care of that.

It's not an animal anymore. It's a meat-producing plant. This is the next best thing to merely being able to grow meat directly out of a vat using amino acids and hell of a lot of energy.

I remember when this sort of thing was cool back in the mid 2000's. Tiny computer cubes! These days, who cares? So you packed a bit of NAND, a microprocessor/chipset package, and a video output (in those days, something proprietary, at least everyone can use micro HDMI now) into a little box - whoopdee do. The power

Bravo, Jesus. Windows 8 is indeed (hopefully going to be) a triumph and it deserves recognition for giving people the choice of Metro (not my cup of tea, frankly) and an updated Windows 7 desktop. Sure, Microsoft is pouring 85% of their dev resources into Metro, and I can't blame them since they're so late to the

It's like the CIA, except for nerds!

"what we're going to call space."


Hah, you think this is something to complain about now - just wait until FB unveils built-in hashtag recognition, like what they already copied from Twatter: the @name auto-formatting tool. As much as I dislike twitter on principle, the # itself as a linking method has merit. Just like @ means to apply to one person

The human eye can easily tell the difference between 480p and 720p on a standard youtube video. That's less then double increase. But I'd imagine that the number of people that can tell the difference between a 128kbps file and a 256 kbps mp3 file is markedly lower. Ears are easier to fool with compression and

Nice try, Steve Jobs' ghost! ;)

Heh, looks like Amazon saw all the link traffic you were sending their way to the eye-fi and they raised the price $6 or so. Oh well, still looks like a great product for trips out in the wild where you'll want to go back later on Google Earth or something and map out exactly where the best photos were taken from.

Ha, I remember wanting the same thing when I was a kid. I didn't realize it didn't use AC power though; I'm sure now then that part of the reason I never got it is because dad always knew it would be a money sucker (at least for awhile). Thankfully, "batteries not included" is a mantra of the past.

You had this already, Facebook. It was called the Social Timeline and thanks to it, I knew that my friend Jeff "has taken Criminal Justice 135 with you, met you through your mom, and went on a trip to your butt with you"

What is the new obsession with removing words from everything? I read faster than I can analyze a photo or album/movie cover. You know where not having text makes sense? GUI icons, because they're always the same. But when I'm staring at a wall of album art or movie covers or faces (remember when facebook used to do

Dear sweet Jesus yes. Have it actually use Facebook people groups in the options page that lets you choose which Google contacts groups to use, as well. I don't need to see all ~700 people in the contact list.

Echo! echo! echo.....

Weren't the photos that were supposedly seen by "top men" of Usama at the site of the murder, not of the sea burial?

I can see it now in China - "Automatically updating your Internet Explorer...We're sorry, but we've detected that you are using an illegitimate copy of Windows. Please type in your CD key, or you will not be able to use Internet Explorer."