
Tall roof, low floor - ok.

CUVs are more ‘bouncy’ compared to sedans. The ride added suspension travel just eliminates much of the fun.

I put down $37k, so that’s why payment is small”

Higher fuel taxes...to a point.

Herc - you’re very level-headed in your response.

You seem to have a lot of HATE on your brain.

and @truth:

Without pandemic stimulus, millions upon millions more would have been out of work for a much longer period of time, out of a home, and starving.

This is the “freedom” that car-dependency provides.

Elon Musk is one of the main reasons I did not buy a Model 3.

Another gas guzzler?

Exactly. I tend to ride minimum 3' away from the sides of any cars.

Oh stop. 1992 Camrys did not fall apart.

NJ should implement its own congestion charge within about 2-4 miles of the NYC crossings. The bigger question why is NJ so intent on encouraging more people drive in it’s own communities?

Are you sore because your kneepads wore out fellating Trump?

You sound like someone who owned a horse farm in 1900.

COVID curbed emissions and there was a related (brief) 15% unemployment rate (in the US) that would’ve gone higher had the government not stepping in a injected $2 trillion in stimulus into the economy.

Hey society nation and government needs taxes in order to function in an order for society to do things that free enterprise will not or cannot do.”

Carbon tax replaces fossil fuel taxes. And forces companies to make things more efficiently.

“true rural folks”