
RWNJs want any excuse to open fire and make the chaos worse.

Drivers running red lights, failing to stop at crosswalks, and generally not paying attention are responsible for way more death and carnage than these street takeovers. But they don’t make for great 2-minute news clips with burning cars or justify chants of racism.

their town is being trashed by morons is cops randomly firing off rounds, good god.

If I was in a car, yes.

Being drunk does not take responsibility away from your impaired choices.

University of Florida better watch it. It’s funding is now on the line unless they end all research or programs that have any mention of race or skin color.

I saw a Lucid air on the road yesterday in Burlington, MA.

This is a “Yes, And” response.

Jimmy - the point is we already basically pay Euro-level rates of taxation (when you add in all Federal, state, and local levies + health insurance premiums) and we get much less in return because of the out-of-whack defense budget, inability to reign in drug prices, and complete commitment to paying exorbitantly for

Oh please, the only one that comes close to being comparable is maggots.

“Both work on othering, dehumanizing people to sow division and create an insular in-group.”

I saw that too… still pretty low-middle income. But those making lower than that get lower rebates, when arguably they need it more.

Don’t forget you need to make enough income to owe $7500 in federal taxes to get the full benefit.

Some people can’t off their lazy ass and go get their shitty sandwich. Or Dunkin’.

For all the issues Tesla had, quality control and working out glitches were expected. When the big automakers entered the field, I thought Tesla would be in big big trouble because those makes actually know how to build a car.

Affluenza is alive and well.


The lede image is of 5 men and 1 woman. Come on.

It’s ALMOST a proper wagon!

Uh ok.