
How much are VC-funded used car companies (Carvana, etc.) driving up the price of used cars by buying up inventory?

The current inflation is not due to the national debt. Find another hill to die on.

The problem jobs are in trucking. Since they’re all “independent contractors” the working conditions suck.

When you’re making bank on regressive civilization, why would one want to modernize it?

I think it’d be best if he passed away but all his minions serve serious time for their support of the coup attempt and corruption. Aiding and abetting cannot go unpunished.

Honestly, if Trump goes to jail it will get even worse.


I love the design language of the Ioniq5. It hides the size pretty well, can’t wait to get a closer look.

“not a fascist and/or a lunatic”.

The Dems have ostensibly bent over in the gerrymander war by installing ‘independent commissions’ that eliminate filibusters in their own states while the GOP goes in the other direction.

I like your thinking, but it’s clear his 40% is more dedicated than the other 60%.  And that’s really, really bad.

EV subsidies should no longer go to plug in hybrids.  

Sounds good.

Single cup holder sucks … for the passenger. Yeah, bad move though. I like the high console though.

Ah, well I added the paint and white interior, because that’s what I’d have done. So $55 for me.

The LR Tesla model 3 AWD is now $55k while a P2 is $58k, but the P2 at that prices comes with fully loaded and is available with the $7500 tax credit.

like the window controls on the flat portion at the top of the door panel.”

I wouldn’t call it anonymous, because it’s design really does stand out from the other CUVs. It’s just there are so many of them.

I had two RAV4s, both Gen 2s, and both with manuals.

That’s not cool, and I think weakens the US’s case in the free trade argument. I think they should allow union-made vehicles made anywhere in a free a trade zone to qualify so as to not violate the free trade rules. Maybe that’s the compromise (Canada should like it!).