
Who thinks the ACR is just waiting for a ‘winged’ ZR-1.

I always liked the lines of the CLK. Form over function.

As a US Midwesterner, I seriously would swap lives with you for a day or two, only maybe 25 years ago.

GM has made some of the greatest cars.

Once a decent car, in the right segment, sunk by Daimler who to this day has no idea how to market a small car in the cut throat ADM.

I had a customer at the Dodge store in the ‘90s who was ‘Bong Son Pak’.

“I would want the engine and driveline to reach the scene of an accident before I do”


With a full frame under it no less. The Blazer Jimmy was equally appalling.

It’s not.

I’m sorry friend. I had amended my original post so as to sound not so petty. But I got kinja’ed

Thanks. I concur.

Dat Stance.

Ah fuck, Torch.

This has obviously become a rather large spectator sport.

Perfect meme.

Perfect meme.

To think, someone around here ungreyed that clown.....

The idea of a safety cell has been around nearly 20 years.

I could never see the rear diff holding that motor. It would take some restraint.