

Apologies but I am also stealing this.

The first time I saw his commercial my very first thought was ‘Its only a matter of time before Torch tears this one apart’

I was doing no ‘lumping’, friend, besides the obvious. This is about two very different ‘theys’

We are referring to two totally different ‘they’s, my friend. I live in an agricultural belt. Immigrant lawyers and doctors are the minority of whom you speak. The one percent-ers. If you are stuck in these examples for this demographic, you are the ignorant one.

I’m a heartless asshole? I started working at age 11 washing cars and pumping gas. I pay my fair share. Every week. Why shouldn’t these people? I do support a path to citizenship. Our laws have established that path. Why are they allowed to skirt it again? Because they work hard. So do I motherfucker. So do


I cannot believe there are people in this country who think its ok for immigrants to screw the system and not pay their fair share.


Brand new Gen 1 Viper back in ‘93. It had less than 100 miles on it.


Chevy fails are

Soft eco diesel road suspension.

Every time I see a small Toyota truck I think of this


Rams are huge in Scandanavia.

Dat One:1.

Similiar money

1. Not thinkin you need any kind of a brake lever to assist a Huracan to drift. Especially during donut mode. She never touches the thing except while sitting still