macbook pro circa 2013 with 477 cycles and apple pegs the max at 1000, I’m good!
macbook pro circa 2013 with 477 cycles and apple pegs the max at 1000, I’m good!
My first activity tracker was the reign from jaybird. it was their first tracker and it became clear after several months of using it that the tracker was still in beta and they were using early adopters to tweak the app companion and gauge consumer interests. They’ve since completely abandoned the product but I…
not OP but I will say for myself it’s all a matter of gauging your spending habits and routinely checking in. I put whatever I can on the cards, save for my rent and car payments. Everything else including gas and groceries goes on the cards. Using an online budgeting service like Mint is massively helpful because it…
For me, the benefits of using Mint are seeing all of my accounts in place and seeing my spending trends, together with my income and retirement savings. I’ve been using Mint since 2011 and it’s fascinating to see the trends over time.
I’m rather surprised by that statistic about usage. As a guy in his 20s I use my credit cards whenever I can. I understand if you are bad with money and can’t keep yourself from maxing out your credit limits then using a debit card is smarter but if you can keep yourself in check the benefits of fraud protection and…
The promotional material for the watch has always depicted users who look like they are living super interesting lives and while I understand it’s an inflated, fictionalized depiction of how you can use the watch, it always makes me think of my daily life and conclude I simply would not be taking enough advantage of…
For context I am a single guy in his 20s renting with car payments and personally I fluctuate from $1,500 to $3,000 over the course of the month as paychecks come in and bills get paid.
They don’t catch it by default however you can add a new rule for it. Enter your ad blocker’s mode to select an element, select the entire frame around the video and create a rule. I have done this with uBlock on Chrome and 1Blocker on Safari, both worked like a charm.
semi related, since the release of ios 11.1 or so I have noticed the question mark in the box symbol in some text around the internet as well as another symbol, similar to the standard icon used by mobile sites to denote the menu button (similar to the one on kinja sites). What’s strange is I’m seeing these while…
wow okay or maybe you think it makes sense to use the apple email address for the same apple account to login
Never. My gym is a 5 minute drive from my house.
I haven’t gotten further than the first few story missions in Watch Dogs because every time I boot it up I chase down the acts of crime and take out the criminal before the crime actually occurs, thereby failing to stop the crime according to the game and getting the cops to pursue me. I can magically predict a…
well, maybe without the guns but yes, the drawings during the end game credits were very nice
glad someone mentioned this video, it’s fantastic.
I was in bed one night messing around with Siri and I jokingly said that to her she pronounced my friend’s name wrong, took me totally by surprise when she then proceeded to ask how she should pronounce it.
glad I could help :)
I first read the title as “A Game Where You Play As The AI in Amnesia” and was certainly surprised.
The inclusion of “premium currency” in a game you have already purchased is bullshit in my book. If I want to drop cash for additional content, sell it to me straight.
buyer beware. I got one of these for my folks over Christmas and a few months later the sound started winking out randomly. It then completely stopped working a few weeks ago and we’re in the process of getting it replaced now and Vizio’s customer support can be...concerning.
buyer beware. I got one of these for my folks over Christmas and a few months later the sound started winking out…