
I had the same thing happen with BOA. It’s not that they “find out” you graduated, they just recognize that if you open a student checking account at a certain age, you will have likely graduated at a certain year and switch the account accordingly.

have this one myself, recommended

have this one myself, recommended

All legit gripes and if I may add to the list, the idea of making the stock apps like music, messages, contacts, etc. all look the same with a unifying header is a nice idea in theory but it is a massive waste of space, particularly on my SE. iOS 10 had already introduced a trove of silly UI tweaks that needlessly

I have thought the very same thing! Truth be told it seemed like Hiya actually attracted more calls after I installed it and I was thinking I made a huge mistake, especially since it’s free and as we all should know by now, if something is free, you’re the product.

Speaking as an iPhone user on Verizon, under no circumstances should you give them money for their paid service. You can get the same service for free using Hiya. However I highly recommend you do pay $1 a month for RoboKiller from TelTech Systems. RoboKiller not only identifies incoming garbage calls it actively

agreed, the story is incredibly silly but damn if the game isn’t a blast to play

I downgraded to 10 on my SE last night, too many silly changes to the UI that somehow even waste even more screen space than 10 already does. I’m sure I’ll have to upgrade it again at some point but for now 10 is still working just fine for me.

it’s disappointing (but certainly not surprising) that you are unable to completely customize the entire layout, moving things around and removing settings you will never use.

I’ve managed to freeze 2/3 out of three today, hopefully the Equifax will be working tomorrow! I really, really do not want to mail an envelope with all my info in it.

Personally I have found success in performing weight training first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (save for a pre-workout drink) then having breakfast afterwards before heading out the door for work. They’re not exceptionally long workouts either, usually anywhere between 30 - 40 minutes but I lift heavy

That depends on the gym you go to of course. Some may be more than happy to observe you if you tell them you are a newbie and would like a spotter just to make sure you are using proper form. Can’t hurt to ask the front desk.

Personally I found they hurt my grip rather than helped it. When you are first beginning, the rough bar will hurt your hands (especially if you don’t do a lot of manual labor in your daily life) and so you will be tempted to use gloves to alleviate that. However if you tough it out your hands will adapt and get

Some personal tips:

I am very excited about this overhaul, speaking as a Mercy main. Mostly because I found it just as disheartening as anyone else when she could erase someone else’s killer play that wiped out half or more of the enemy team.

It’s a mix of both for me. Holding a full time job now I find myself less interested in burning through countless hours of gaming but I don’t know whether that is just from changing habits and interests or whether I’m just too tired to do it anymore.

Milligan Vick is unbelievable with the Witcher photography, definitely check her on deviantart

I agree taking selfies after the vote is rather asinine but wow Brain’s comment at the end there.

I have a single savings account that I keep building up for no real specific reason in particular. The only reason I have drawn from it in recent years is for unexpected car expenses and the first month’s rent when I first moved into my current place. 

For me we don’t have a break room with a table and chairs so there isn’t anywhere else to eat beyond the conference room or the CEO’s office, both of which are not an appropriate place to eat.

Netflix is losing the rest of American Dad this month which is a huge bummer but still cannot get me sign up for Hulu. Netflix’s original offerings are just too strong now IMO and I have no desire to pay for another streaming subscription (even though I am also subscribed to Amazon Prime).