
I’ve gotten it twice in quick play since playing from the very beginning and from seeing just a small handful of others they all involve at least killing one person and using her ultimate within the span of 10 seconds. It’s rare but still more common than Ana who I have seen once.

Cities Skylines - no politics there just good old fashioned city management

that’s great! hopefully they have loosened their strict hold on updates

this is still better than HTC a few years ago when I had my DNA phone. They were legit withholding updates to try and get you to upgrade the phone instead. When I inquired about it with them and Verizon, both were blaming the other.

TBH I didn’t even watch the video since Eric’s description did make it sound like a summary of the book

a great book on this subject is the aptly named “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*uck” by Mark Manson.

Semi-related, I’m so sick of seeing the message that gameplay recording has been disabled when I begin a song in Rocksmith. I don’t give a shit PS4, no one wants to see me fumble my way through Everlong anyways!

I liked it better when it was just Conan and Aaron playing the game. His video on the Witcher 3 remains one of my all-time favorites.

yep it’s like clockwork. my gym was mobbed Tuesday morning, almost all of the treadmills were taken. this morning? dead as usual (it was colder than usual as well of course haha)

I am very happy with the Crunch gym I have been going to now for more than a year. $10/month gives me access to all the free weights and lifting equipment I could ever use. I also lucked out with the location - it’s literally 2 minutes down the road from me, giving me no excuse to get out of bed in the morning, do my

hey that’s what I do! :D

This is very easy to understand if you check out your score on credit karma. It shows you a breakdown of all loans and cards under your name but nothing on your bank accounts, savings or otherwise. As you say Kristin, Discover is more than happy to offer me special rates on my credit card because they know I have

code only works once if you remain logged into the same amazon account.

code only works once if you remain logged into the same amazon account.

My favorite feature of Day One is the “on this day” feature. It’s the reason I switched from using a private WordPress blog.

yes this should definitely be an item as well. My parents had sheets of notebook paper with all of their email addresses and passwords littered in no logical order, many out of date or simply incorrect. I got them using keepass last year because they don’t need to sync passwords to other devices and it has ceased the

I started using Digit the beginning of October and I like it. For the longest time I was struggling to remember to transfer some money to my savings account periodically. Digit makes it stupid easy, just transfer the balance to my savings account at the end of the month and let it do it’s thing. Saved over $800 so far.

Yeah this doesn’t sound too appetizing to me, I’ll keep my eggs separate on the plate thanks :)

Well this is the nail in the coffin for me then after they limited the amount of devices you could use it on under the free membership and it asks if I would like to upgrade everytime I login. Between Simplenote and Google Drive I will manage just fine, adios Evernote.

When I was in school it was typically in the afternoon. Nowadays it’s the mornings. Get up early to go to the gym then shower up and eat before heading to the office. I forego showers in the afternoon/evening unless I am going someplace social after work. My roommate meanwhile showers morning and night daily which,