as expected it excludes Watch Dogs 2
as expected it excludes Watch Dogs 2
as expected it excludes Watch Dogs 2
as expected it excludes Watch Dogs 2
I’ve seen a lot of complaining and demonstrations of winning most placement matches and still receiving a low placement score. Thing is, I can understand why just winning all of your matches shouldn’t necessarily mean you should be placed in grandmaster ranking. You could have been playing against absolute garbage…
Nah there’s no penalty for playing AI matches, it just gives you less XP for leveling up.
Well it’s BMW financial services - if you think you can investigate or get it attention great - I’m not alone:
Well shit, guess I better stop then!
I took advantage of this twice then a third time with the credit - my account is now paid off ‘till 2020 haha
I took advantage of this twice then a third time with the credit - my account is now paid off ‘till 2020 haha
Something that’s been working me recently: 25 push-ups then 5 minutes of meditation immediately before hitting bed.
They are very bad when it comes to support. Everything is either “we are investigating” or “it is being considered”.
I saw this pop up when I did my weekly check in this weekend and I’m not quite sure the benefit yet - at least, if you already have monthly bills budgeted out like I do. I suppose what I can do now is consolidate all of the bills into one budgeted category called “Bills” or something and then have them each identified…
I was tempted to try a Quest bar when I was at the grocery store a few days ago but stopped when I saw they were going for $3 a bar. I’ll definitely have to bite the bullet and order in bulk online if I do want to try them. I’m not going anywhere near the Clif bars. I remember my friend giving me one of their regular…
It remains a very grey area. Personally I have all of my music and movies stored in my Dropbox but I also have copies stored on an external hard drive. I’m not expecting to wake up one day to find everything wiped clean but better to be safe than sorry.
Will the show be available for viewing after it airs live?
I remember receiving a couple textbooks from Amazon by mistake when I was in college and I was able sell them back to Amazon for almost the original amount. I figured they would have discovered their error by checking the barcodes but nope!
thanks for the info, was going to ask whether it had to be a single book worth $25 or could be a single order comprised of multiple books.
thanks for the info, was going to ask whether it had to be a single book worth $25 or could be a single order…
It’s for iOS only unfortunately
Always thankful for Twitterific on the phone, Simplenote, Feedly and Pocket on the phone and computer.
I dropped for the guitar bundle. Been telling myself for years I wanted to learn how to play the basics of guitar and never pulled the trigger. I know how to read sheet music from my school days of playing the saxophone but I certainly don’t expect to be playing like Springsteen in 60 days. The ability to at least…
I dropped for the guitar bundle. Been telling myself for years I wanted to learn how to play the basics of guitar…
Fake news about Rockstar Games has been around since they lit the sun and everyone at this point should understand that anything about that studio not from the official news wire or from a Take Two shareholder’s meeting is complete hogwash. I’ve had my hopes burned way too many times about Midnight Club from “news…
I’m interested. Never gotten into the competitive scene of the uncharted games but I poured countless hours into the co-op survival of uncharted 2.
Awesome thanks! I bought 2 so now I’m good ‘till September 2019!
Awesome thanks! I bought 2 so now I’m good ‘till September 2019!