
"Just do what I say and I won't fucking kill you." A treatise on modern policing\mugging tactics by Officer Go J. FuckYourself

The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.

It's hard to tell, I do notice the position jitter in many of the shots that is typical of a consumer mocap setup, but at the same time, that could also just be poorly and hastily done animation, so it would only be a guess in this case. But a well setup consumer mocap system can get you results like that, with a


You missed how she sort of arches her back after the word "gas."

Oh THAT'S a snack. Ok this story makes sense now

You're the Jezebel version of an all-star Deadspin commenter.

Turnabout is fair play, so...

My co-worker told a young woman to smile about a week ago and I blew a gasket. He explained that it was such a beautiful day she should be smiling. I asked him is he also tells 6'5 biker men to smile too because it's so beautiful outside. And then told him to not do that anymore as she is not there for his viewing

Smile! Because baby/honey/gurrrl, you're too pretty to look sad, and you should focus on whether or not your face is pleasing to men.

But don't smile too much, or we'll have to kill you.

What about student loan debt, how that does that change how you should handle merging finances?

You completely missed just murdering each and every one of them.

True. Jay Leno is more of a dick by American standards, rather than say, a dick by medieval standards.

For the younger High School me, this was some real mind opening shit. I'm sure Jersey Shore has the same effect on todays youth.