I can't believe I never thought of that basic analogy. Going to use that from now on. Thank you.
I can't believe I never thought of that basic analogy. Going to use that from now on. Thank you.
Thanks. I don't believe there's a way to IM through Gawker but if you'd ever be open to fielding some newbie questions over email that would be awesome. Lest I ask you to put your email address into the world, you can reach me through my website which is also my username.
Invertex, do you think this guy is using a consumer end mocap setup? I'm a live action filmmaker and trying to learn more about the consumer and prosumer tools available for motion capture and 2d and 3D animation.
You missed how she sort of arches her back after the word "gas."
I think the point of the comment—or at least what I took from it—is that one of the reasons you get dragged to weddings is get shown off and introduced to your lovers' friends and families and basically prep you for your own marriage. I suffered through this for several years while dating different women.…
I ran into him at a house-showing or whatever those shitty things are called in Santa Monica and for some reason I got his goddamn name wrong—which is weird because I was totally raised on his comedy. His reaction to some beady-eyed kid calling him the totally wrong fucking name? He laughed and joked and explained who…