
Omg this was my mom’s legit response to the news.

“I wonder if poor Luke got some action...”

I’m sorry, but who among us would not fuck Harrison Ford, especially Han Solo-Harrison Ford? It is for this reason (as well as murder Hitler when he was just a shitty art student, and someone else I won’t mention in case the Feds are watching) I would build a fucking time machine. To fuck Han Solo/Raiders of the Lost

It makes me feel as though the respect due to me as a human being is feigned in my presence

As a woman, it’s a big deal to me because I have no way of know which of my friends, peers, or colleagues completely ignores all other aspects of my being and only discusses me as a compilation of body parts that they would like to molest in one way or another as soon as I walk out the door. It makes me feel as though

I think the main difference here is sexual violence towards women, women are often targeted and victims of sexual violence, by men who do the type of thing like this. If the roles were reversed it is definitely not desirable but men to fear women as sexual predators the same way women do men. (Men aren’t taught to not

They weren’t just discussing women they knew and were attracted to, they were going through and rating the women on the soccer team. It was systematic and gross. These should have been their fellow athletes but they were acting like it was a stock sale.

I’m guessing you haven’t read any excerpts from the list. If your guy talk with friends is that cruel, I wouldn’t want to be friends with you. Read what was said about the unattractive women.

I use a white bath towel and it has never once come away dirty from my legs.

I really doubt there’s much of a difference in cleanliness between soaping up your legs and rinsing/toweling them off when it comes to dust.

Correct Way to Wash:

1. Hair, as needed. Mine is thin and prone to oiliness, so daily.
1a. Conditioner and other treatments, if necessary
2. Face, with a washcloth & face soap
2a. Face mask, if necessary
3. Pits, crotch, underboob, assorted cracks and folds, with soap and hand
3a. (any actively dirty spots, such as paint,

If it’s sandal season and they’re getting exposed to the dirt and grim directly, or if they’re unusually sweaty, I will.

nah. my feet are standing in soap water. they’re fine. it’s all fine.

It sure does. It’s been clear for a while that Angelina is more of a homebody than Brad (assuming that your actual “home” can be one of several houses,) and is really focused more on her U.N. work and family as time goes by. If Brad is still interested in jet-setting and drinking heavily and partying and stuff, that

All of her pictures from previous airings look like she’s wearing more of a dressier pant. Where as jeans, like actual jeans, are frowned upon. It doesn’t matter how lax the station seems, there should be some professionalism. Not to say she’s not a professional, I just think that jeans aren’t an appropriate choice

She made assumptions and could have framed it in a better larger context, but as with most of her comments, it landed clumsily and was devoid of any deeper insight.

He basically did roast her with this, because all she wants in this world is attention. And he refused to buy in. It’s absolutely glorious and I like him even more for this.

Yeah but there's a difference between not knowing someone and supposedly not having an interest in fucking them. Dunham assumed the latter.

I feel bad that OBJ was dragged into all of Lena Dunham’s unnecessary drama. He really seems like a sweet dude who just wants to live his life and enjoy his Instagram.

This is the perfect response for how much it’s gonna burn her attention-seeking ass up.