
It’s nice that you take my point, but I would have been far more inclined to back off the suggestion that calling protesting outside the home of a rapist “inhumane” in the same comment as you are trying to plead for people to recognize the humanity of rapists is a poor choice of words at best and a telling one at

Hold on a sec, fucko. Are SERIOUSLY suggesting that men and boys need to be taught “sexual ethics,” otherwise they won’t know what to do with their desires/penises/urges?

I wrote a long response and deleted it. Bottom line for me: you think we’re being too hard on rapists and treating them like monsters. The point is that they are monsters. When they rape, they’re monsters. They’re normal the rest of the time, but that doesn’t make it better. It makes it worse, because you can’t trust

“Yes, our society is far too willing to think of rape as a rare circumstance—something that occurs in dark alleys and is perpetuated by masked villains. But though we must recognize that rape is disturbingly common and rapists are not horned demons, we should not—let me repeat this, SHOULD NOT—think of rapists as

Rape apologists are not good. Not for anyone. Did you read his statement? It was full of “not my fault.” That was the time for him to express remorse if he felt it. He did not. He does not.

Beware the pseudo-scientist rape apologism happening in this discussion. DinosaurHead’s screeds may be long and larded with faux-progressive polysyllabism, but they are focused on shifting the responsibility, erasing the victim from the narrative, and making excuses for the rapist. All of these are a transparent

You think that acquaintance rape is considered “normal” by your average guy? Can you give me an example of a scenario in which the average guy would consider normal but is in fact rape?

Whether or not you are a victim of rape, you sure as hell don’t speak for all of them.

He should have to empty dumpsters for the rest of his days.

Yeah. I’m pretty thoroughly on board with protesting outside his house, but I’d rather they left the guns at home and stuck with just the signs without threatening messages. (“If it wasn’t rape, then why’d you run?” and “The rapist who lives here got 3 months. Justice???” = good signs. “If I rape Brock, will I only

Maybe. Part of me thinks that Brock, and many rapists, are so extremely selfish that a candle light vigil wouldn’t affect them at all. They’re only going to feel anything if you make them uncomfortable, and make their lives more difficult. I think it’s the guns in this situation that makes me the most uncomfortable,

I think you are reading things into the comments you’re responding to that aren’t actually there.

No. They are commited by monsters.

My fiance has a 14 year old daughter because of one. He molested her as a 1.5 year old. We’ve spent the last year doing everything we could to make sure he never gets unsupervised visitation with her, because he looked at child porn and played with little girls 15 years ago.


Given that his dad minimized his actions as “20 minutes of action” and whined about his son’s inability to enjoy the foods he used to; and his mom whined about not being up to redecorating their new house, I don’t give a shit about his family facing some harassment.

I can’t speak for others, but the outrage is not that a father would defend his son, but the way Brock Turner’s father—heck, his mother, the rest of his family, and one of his idiot friends—minimized what he did and boo-hooed about how the conviction had impacted their lives and Brock Turner was so miserable or, in

He can’t even console himself with pretzels. It’s practically a Greek tragedy.

He used to love steak. Now he doesn’t even enjoy it!

Maybe he can write a Facebook post expressing his overwhelming grief and sadness like Nate Parker did.

I still can’t get beyond the father’s remark about it being “a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action”.

This. He definitely has a lot of resentment for the victim. Based on the shit he and his family have pulled, I don’t believe he’s sorry for even a second about anything other than getting caught.