
My Nexus One (3.7" screen) has been up for 1day 5hrs and 44mins with 22% battery left currently. I'm sure one of the larger ones would last me a day no problem if I can go this long without a charge. In fact, I'm sure of it because I have several friends with "giant computer monitors" in their pockets that have no

Both parties suck, but there are many more asshats with an R in front of their name than there are with a D in front of their name. If you try to claim otherwise, your argument loses all credibility in my opinion. Corporate interests donate massive sums of money to both parties because it's easier for them to control

Fortunately, companies like Google and Facebook don't like that legislation either. So at least there is some corporate money/lobbyists fighting it as well...

Where did I say that Android directly contributed to their revenue? I merely mentioned their market cap, but since you asked I can explain it for you. Remember when Microsoft got sued for bundling IE with Windows? Sure the user can install a different browser, but how many actually do? With more and more internet

I think we need to wait and see how 3rd party skins are handled in ICS. I know Google was tightening the screws, and actually heard Andy Rubin himself had to sign off on their skins. If they implement it in a non-intrusive way, then it shouldn't be a problem. I'm thinking something similar to the T-Mobile theme engine

I'm fine with this as long as they give the car going hazardously slow with 17 people behind him trying to get around a speeding ticket as well. Speeding doesn't necessarily imply too fast, it means your speed is unsafe, you can be a hazard if you're moving too slow.

Instant upload, my friend. =) Google does it right as well, all pictures are uploaded to a private album where they are easily shareable to other services, and you can remove anything you want. Also, there is currently no storage limit (a la some fruit company) for items added via instant upload.

You're right they have absolutely no idea what their doing. That's why they've created a $180 billion company in 12 years and have MS and Apple worried to the point they felt the need to team up.

Using my buddy's new 4S and my 2 year old Nexus One (both on AT&T) we experienced the exact opposite. My N1 was faster at loading every website, the weird part was it was it almost seemed DNS related because my phone would begin rendering the pages first every time.

It's pretty much the same size as my sister's iPad 1. Also, I'm pretty sure I got one with the refreshed screen because mine doesn't suffer from any of the issues reviewers complained about. Comparing my Xoom screen with my sister's iPad the color quality is nearly identical and mine has much sharper text (due to the

Sprint roams on Verizon's network, they're coverage is nearly identical.

As a Xoom owner I can see the Honeycomb-ness in a lot of those elements. I would guess the blue is exaggerated due to them taking a picture of the screen and it being an AMOLED, rather than screen shots. It's probably closer to the the blue used in honeycomb.

My remedy involves inhaling the smoke of a certain substance that is much less worse for you than alcohol, yet somehow still illegal. Ironically enough, hangovers are what got me started on it, Alcohol is the true gateway drug.

No, that was a useless tool having his show canceled because all of Fox's advertisers asked that their ads be pulled from his time slot. I can't imagine why reputable brands wouldn't want their name associated with his hateful, racist lies...

Considering this is a nexus, it's luaghably easy to install a custom ROM that would enable tehtering for free. And I'd be willing to bet theres a nearly stock ROM on the first page of the Nexus S forums at XDA that does this.

Its also Apple's decision to manufacturer their own devices (there are actually several iPhones as well as several Blackberries), not Google's. This comparison is fair, both models have their strengths and weaknesses. I'm tired of constant complaint from Apple fanboys over these figures.

Care to try that for me? =P zonk7ate9 [at] gmail [dot] com

Unless you are trying to make it stand out... who is inexperienced now?

I think this is a CM7 issue as I experience this same behavior on bootup. Although, it has stopped happening since I've started using a different kernel.

I'll quote Daniel Tosh after one of his bits was highly censored this week, "No wonder Chapelle left". I bet he can get away with way better stuff on Netflix.