
I totally pictured the mining being much more like Armageddon. Space Shuttles landing on moving Asteroids with mining crews on board.

Well the Exynos 4412 would be my guess of what's inside the S3, especially give nthe 1.4 GHz clock speed. AFAIK, the 4412 does not have integrated LTE. Given Qualcomm's past, it's not surprising they are the only ones with this offering currently.

The carriers could ask for a processor swap to get the integrated LTE, like AT&T did with the One X. AT&T and T-Mobile both swapped the chipset (to qualcomm) in the Galaxy SII for connectivity reasons. I'll take the One X over the S3 anyday if they both come wit the snapdragon S4.

The snapdragon S4 is the first SoC w/ an integrated LTE antenna, it uses no additional battery for this connectivity (unlike current LTE handsets). Tech blogs need to mention this because I constantly see this in the comments and it's just not true in the case of the new snapdragon S4 processors.

I do this with my sister already, she pays for Hulu, I pay for Netflix.

Sounds awesome? Sounds like my current gaming computer.

I'm in bed with Nike running shoes and Android, but if they don't want my money, that's fine.

Wow that's high... I have that same liquid cooler and mine peaks at 68 C (@ 4.4 GHz) while running Prime95. You may want to look into some more/better case fans.

I'm assuming your not from the States? I guess you don't use Facebook, Twitter, YouYube or any of the other good internet sites that coincidentally, are ALL from America. Did I mention we also invented the internet? You're welcome.

This is stupid on so many levels but the most obvious is that it's infinitely easier to rip content using my PC than it is my smartphone or tablet. My PC is way more open than either of these devices. Why would I go through all that trouble to rip a crappy quality mobile stream when I can just as easily rip it using

At least they were talking about politics and finance. The bigger problem is that the rest of the passengers were talking about Jersey Shore and American Idol.

Public wifi is often much slower than mobile data =D Also, when you hotspot your phone or tablet, you lose some of the throughput so a 2 megabit connection may only speed test at 1 megabit.

It works fine on my LTE Xoom... I think a fast 3G connection (so really only T-Mo or AT&T) would allow it to work as well.

Ditto. Excellent customer service is one of the many reasons I love Amazon... not to mention the ability to request that they call me, instead of waiting on hold for 30 minutes, that way I can continue doing whatever.

You're absolutely right, why don't car manufacturers save themselves some trouble and only make cars in one color, the best one obviously. Does it ever occur to people on Giz that some tings you consider the best are subjective? I personally cannot stand the iOS UI, when I owned an iPhone the sole reason I did

I've owned a Nexus One since day 1, and I can tell you from experience that Cyanogen gets updates out faster than Google. If you don't mind the custom ROM route, I highly recommend against Motorla and their locked bootloaders. I'd pick up that Nexus, Galaxy S II, or the Rezound. Cyanogen even has OTA update support,

I chew it when I go snowboarding, it keeps the dry air from drying out my mouth, plus it has the added bonus of making my ski mask smell delicious (ironically, the mask is why I can't drink in the first place, even if I brought a camelbak, it's too much of a hassle to remove/put on because of my helmet).

To me it's the screen... it blows the competition out of the water. As a Nexus One owner, I cannot in good conscience go back to LCD screens. Also, as nice as the Razr and Rezound are, the physical buttons make them a no go for me (not to mention qHD on the Razr and LCD on the Rezound). ICS is designed for a

Maybe, I'm a noob, but I thought that an advantage of FWD cars was that you COULD ride the brakes all the way through a turn? Don't flame me, I'm sincerely asking for clarification. Thanks.

I think most of those sentences would drive home the point better with a little profanity.