
How will it be more integrated than Android? My phone and tablet currently sync all of the services linked with my Google account OTA (Gmail, Contacts, Books, Music, Pictures, Docs, Apps, Settings). It's also worth noting that it does keep track of different devices. It knows the difference between which apps are on

And if it weren't for old/asian/women drivers we all wouldn't be punished with being forced to drive at speeds slower than what I achieve on my snowboard, but the reality is they do exist, and exposing security holes helps make things more secure.

These "special chips" are newer ones, not found in devices like the Incredible, Evo, or Nexus One. It's the newer itteration of the Snapdragons found in the Thunderbolt and Infuse (both absent from the list). My best guess is that while the hardware supported it, the drivers did not. Which is what I think Qualcomm

No Comcast? =(

Google's motive is to make sure all paths to the internet go through them (although the data is a bonus). That's why they pay Mozilla big bucks for the default search and why they are cracking down on things like Verizon Bingifying the Fascinate (is this the VZW one?). They want to make it as easy as possible to use

Actually 10.2 beta (when I noticed it at least) has overreide touch optmized video controls if you long press on the video (play/pause, vullscreen). Plus if you have faster than a 800mhz processor (sucks to be iOS) it is not laggy at all.

I assume they must be getting wet somehow... either your hands are sweating or your throwing snow balls. As an avid snowboarder I've been in those weather conditions several times and the only time my glvoes freeze is when they get wet (or just damp even). Which can happen from sweat (not likely in cold weather), but

I agree! It makes awesome snowboarding music as well. (I actually fell more in love with CyanogenMod once they added the ability to skip songs with the volume buttons; I can change songs with gloves on, through my jacket!)

Agenda-ized? Huffington Post? Unless you're referring to truthfulness, which should be the agenda of any news organization.

I would say that Motorola doesn't have the source code, but Google had the device a long time ago for development. There was a video of Andy Rubin busting this out during an interview quite soem time before the Xoom was even announced (I'm thinking late Summer, anyone confirm?). He even talked about it being an early

I actually prefer the Cyanogen music player app... trackball skip is boss.

@Platypus Man: I've never pirated a single Android App, but I tell you the entire process would only take me 15 seconds, much less 15 minutes. The 24 hour return was one of my favorite Android features, great for trying out apps I don't hear about on Lifehacker. IMO, this will hurt devs because people like me will be

@jinchoung: There are 2 optical joysticks there in the middle.

@jepzilla: This is contrary to what I think I learned from Steven Hawking's Discovery Channel show. The way I understood it is that the speed of light is a hard limit and that anything that reaches that limit will have time slowed down for it (this is nature's way of protecting this law) so if you were traveling at

@Vidit: You can't be serious? The N1 is still the official Developer's phone, and is still a top tier device, it will get gingerbread.

Dear Steve Jobs,

@fallenshell: This may be a deal breaker for me, can anyone else confirm there's no option to fix this?

@cc: I voted for EVO cuz I can't see myself buying anything other than HTC. I currenlty have Nexus One I plan on holding until the dual-core 1.2ghz+, 1gb ram, 1200x720 resolution, android 3.0 phones come out next year.