Don’t take yourself so seriously, no one else does.
Don’t take yourself so seriously, no one else does.
uhh the griz suck
Ricky Rubio
Generally it’s because Amazon Associates is one of the only ways for a website to try to make any money these days, because so many people have ad blockers that websites aren’t able to be ad supported anymore.
Generally it’s because Amazon Associates is one of the only ways for a website to try to make any money these days,…
Check out the rest of his Youtube “squat” videos to see his other PR.
Child beater Adrian Peterson playing like shit does too.
Looks like a girls’ Jeep.
Metal Gear Revengenace...7 bucks!
Simple gifts for the trailer trash on your list
Simple gifts for the trailer trash on your list
That Jeep may be hip-deep in mud, have a broken drive shaft and other assorted problems, but do NOT call it shitty. Any XJ that dies off-roading deserves our respect.
Metal gear Balrog.
That ugly mismatched lego arm is punishment for having been too poor to upgrade.
I am a little surprised that they’ve basically put Dark Souls into Metal Gear and we’re not talking about it here on Kotaku. It’s an amazing addition to a game that already seemed to have it all.
Dude, I wrote this post more than one year ago.