
I take to heart everything you wrote. Thank you!

I’m aware of just how easy it would be to become entangled in the ‘us vs. them’ mentality; how easy it would be to take it too far.
How effecting change will be nearly impossible, that all I may be able to do is make a difference in one life a day.
Every industry is rife

“I just want to work and have the freedom to put my voice out there and I want to interact with my fans and my followers, that’s all I want out of this. It’s my job, this is my life. Without that, I feel lost. When your outlet is taken away from you, when your catharsis is stripped from you and you don’t understand

The thing is, if *45 can’t issue ultimatums, he folds like a cheap suit every single time. Calling his bluff—which is all he’s got, because that’s all he is—when he doesn’t have leverage (which, here, he does not, as the Freedom Caucus has most definitely learned) is an automatic win. Think about it: how many wins has

But the problem is he is trying to get Dems to negotiate to permanently increase your costs in any law.

Sucky proposition either way, but whats to say when he does this on healthcare he doesn’t try it on some other program, like Social Security?

Is everyone forgetting that the *Republicans* could have passed this without a single Democrat getting on board, and didn’t? Why is anyone playing into the narrative that the Democrats were the problem.

You know, I’m starting to think this guy isn’t as good a negotiator as he claims he is.

I’ve decided to do it.
After procuring education to become a good officer, than becoming severely disillusioned because there is no accountability when PoC’s get shot, murdered...
After trying for 7 years to embrace my current position, with no promotions or even an implied desire by said employers that my continued

“What I had to do”

Which, sadly, is the most likely reason for them being tried. Not because they shot an innocent person who posed no immediate danger, but because the disobeyed a direct order to stand down.

“Did what I had to do” - You were told to do nothing and didn’t follow orders. A big part of being in a tactical unit is being able to follow orders and not going rogue.

“I took this job to save lives and help people. I did what I had to do in a split second to accomplish that and hate to hear others paint me as something I’m not.”

“I took this job to save lives and help people. I did what I had to do in a split second to accomplish that and hate to hear others paint me as something I’m not.”

Split second when other officers are much closer to the situation state on the radio no weapon it’s a toy. He wasn’t in any danger at 150 ft away if the officers 20 ft away saying no weapon.

Luis Fuste, the secretary of the Dade County Police Benevolent Association claimed that the charges against the officer are the state attorney’s way of putting “all officers on notice.”

Sentenced. He needs to be sentenced. Charging is a step (that rarely happens) and being convicted is rarer yet.. so sentencing is that elusive unicorn of justice that we’re all searching for for gun happy murdering/shoot first cops.

Uhhhhhh, please inform the courts how shooting an unarmed man laying on the ground with his hands in the air describes fulfilling your life goals of, and I quote.... “save lives and help people.” 

Thanks in advance.

Training, state and/or federal resources, quite a bit more protection if, say, you kill someone or consider them nebulously suspicious and want to take them in. Guards are generally contracted to protect a single event or piece of property, police can do whatever they want to whomever happens to be around.

The smear campaign started early yesterday. It’s fucking sick and tired that people always do this. As if anyone’s past mistakes will retroactively justify their beating in a completely unrelated point in their lives.

Wait, there a people bashing the victim (David Dao) in this? WTF is wrong with people!?

Funny how his change of tone happened at about the same time that United stock had taken a $1B hit. Yeah, funny how that was timed. Its almost like the hit to the stock value was influencing his message and tone.