
This. Why the burden of sensible action falls on a frightened civilian and not the so-called ‘trained police’ is something I will never understand. Apparently, we should expect perfectly calm and rational behaviour from terrified civilians and not from the people sworn to ‘protect and serve’.

It’s never not a good time for a but her emails joke.

Either #1 or #4. I mean, isn’t this what we have all been worried about since around 10:30 pm on November 8th?

This is what I’ve been afraid of since Day One, doubly so since I live in San Francisco, and the California coast is likely to be the first target in a war against N. Korea.

I will pull a Trump.

Michael Jordan kind of pioneered the fly basketball sneaker movement. What is this fuckery? Or are ugly shoes just the wave, and I’m out the loop b/c I stopped buying Jordans in high school? Even now, I couldn’t imagine being caught dead in any design past the 17s.

Yeah, how do you think those South Koreans feel reading the tweets of this dumb fuck from his Florida golf course while they commute to work in the path of NK artillery. They should be asking him to STFU

“North Korea is looking for trouble...” this sounds like something you’d read from a kid in Jr. High, calling someone out after school. Trump’s a pampered silver-spoon-mouthed idiot that doesn’t understand how our own government works, much less world government or diplomacy. “China will get a good deal if they take

(although neither she nor Lurleen Wallace, who ran as a surrogate for her husband in 1966, were exactly awarded the position on their own merits)

Because if the victim is black, he MUST have done something to deserve it.

I just showed this video to a white co-worker, and they kept asking me what the young man did before. He was looking for a reason to justify the officer’s actions.

I kept explaining that the suspect was under control at the time of the kick, yet

“there’s no real way around the fact that he escalated the situation and effectively established a scenario where he did force the authorities to drag him off”

“when you buy a ticket you know there’s a chance you will not get on the plane.”

We’ve been SO brainwashed to defend corporations, even against our own interests. First, it was our own laziness, and not corporate greed, that was the cause of our poverty. But now, it’s reached the point where people think we have to sit down and shut up as a corporation uses the police to bully us into submission

The solution was even simpler. Keep offering more money. They had more room to go and, let’s be honest, they could certainly have offered more than the legal limit and it’s not like anybody would have reported them.

he did put himself above everyone else on that plane

I can’t remember which airline it was - I’m leaning towards it being American, as they were who usually did the first leg of my journey - but I was bumped off a flight to JFK from DC due to overbooking two days before Christmas several years back. Obviously at that time of year, everyone is desparate to get home on

Nope fuck that. People would have just kept giving excuses not to be able to do it. I think they should have kept upping the reimbursement until people started to fly out of their seats.

Slightly off-topic, but, this...

If they really did run an algorithm to come up with 4 randomly selected people and this guy, an actual fucking doctor, said I have patients to see then United could have run it again and gotten someone with relatively less obligations back home to get off the flight. I’ve never flown United but it’s stories like this

What a disgusting excuse for a human being.