Devil’s advocate. So say he didn’t. It doesn’t change that she was detained without reason. That alone is just fucking not OK. So even those arguing it wasn’t race don’t have much of a leg to stand on, when this was clearly an abuse of power.
Devil’s advocate. So say he didn’t. It doesn’t change that she was detained without reason. That alone is just fucking not OK. So even those arguing it wasn’t race don’t have much of a leg to stand on, when this was clearly an abuse of power.
yet, they’re going to ignore that he was *illegally* giving his 14 yr old driving lessons, and then takes it upon himself to arrest someone?
*eyeroll* @ the grays wanting proof of him calling her a black bitch, but if there WAS video of him calling her a black bitch they’d ignore it because they don’t know what happened before the video started and she could have provoked him.
Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.
Welcome to WHAT NOW, a morning round-up of the news/fresh horrors that await you today.
Well and the old “I’ve never had any help from the government! I was on food stamps and welfare and I certainly never got help from anyone!” mentality. For example, my inlaws who rant against government programs, but then had their daughter, as a teen mom, sign up for every single program possible. But that was…
So, Oklahoma is in a major budget crisis and Democrats wanted to raise the GOT (which is absurdly low). Teachers are at the capitol protesting because education has taken major hits the past few years and without a,way to close the 800 million dollar budget deficit education will face another huge cut.
You have to balance your compassion between the single mothers with three part-time jobs who can’t afford to feed their kids, and the billionaire heir with three yachts who can’t afford a private plane.
We could tax, I don’t know, corporations, and then we could all pay less in taxes, but that’s just crazy talk. Corporations are people too.
And this is the first time I’ve heard that ridiculous line that part of being compassionate is cutting programs for the poor in favor of the rich. Who the hell is stupid enough to fall for that?
I work in alternative school environments. So many kids come through that have just had shitty interactions with teachers/admin staff for things that just utterly flabbergast me.
Like, they are aren’t school. If they aren’t being disruptive let them just be for fucks sake.
Can we discuss how creepy the idea of a “Control Room” is?
I’d put a huge bet on the admin being white. Just saying.
At what point does it stop, at what point does the constant denigration of other races stop? Does it always have to go the way of extreme violence in the name of “preserving our way of life”? It’s a very tired old trope but can we not just get along? Or are we forced because of ideas crammed into our feeble minds…
I remember a big incident maybe 15 years ago in Long Island. A group of white teens followed home a black classmate that they were intent on harassing and they cornered him on his own driveway trying to get inside. His father realized what was happening and confronted the group and they got in his face, used racial…
I wish I had a bazillion stars for this. It is true for every single minority, too. Lose-lose all around. If you prove to be against a stereotype, it still gives the person doling out those tired stereotypes a huge reason to feel better about themselves somehow at my expense. Either they use you to justify the stupid…
Let it be known (although I still don’t support men hitting women for whatever reason, obvs so this is more general, less about this situation specifically).
This always fascinates me.
This is basic conservative governing strategy, too. Push and squeeze those they think beneath them, typically the poor (black and white, but mostly black). When the poor push back together, the conservative leadership suddenly scapegoats the non-whites for fighting back violently, who are usually left with little…