
Yes, but at the end of the day there are not enough jobs at Delta, American, United, and others to take everyone at Spirit. There are plenty of regional airline pilots who want those jobs too, along with new pilots/ ex-military coming into the commercial field. At some point you have to start to work at improving the

Don’t like your marriage, get a divorce. Don’t try to fix it. Don’t like your country, go to a new one. Don’t engage in political change. Etc.

Airlines don’t really care if your previous job was at an ultra low cost carrier or not, they look at your individual merits. Many of Spirits pilots are not flying for Spirit because the others didn’t want them, but rather at the time they were looking for a job Spirit was the only ones hiring as the majors were

In about a decade of teaching, I have never once had a class that I couldn’t teach effectively because of a student’s hair, hat, shirt, shoes, whatever.

“We have a hard time getting witnesses in certain districts to testify because they don’t trust that either the police or the courts work for them or have their best interests mind. So our strategy is to lie to them and intimidate them illegally.”

That this has been happening for so long and being defended is another example of how prosecutors are complicit in maintaining the worst and most serious problems with the criminal justice system. It’s disgusting.

It’s so great to see this guy beaten at every turn, to see every plan and promise blow up in his face. This narcissistic clown actually thought, just because he “ran” a company with his name on it full of sycophants whose job it was to cater to his every dumb whim, that he could run a country the same way.

Call in, if it won’t endanger your position. Your work will be there tomorrow.

Agree and want to add: Its ALMOST funny that Trump doesn’t realize how much he’s being used by his conniving “allies” in the GOP and even his family, including Ivanka and Jared. Each and every one will leave that bastard in the gutter the second they’ve had their fill.

This is why anyone who claims that Trump is somehow outside of the GOP plan is severely misguided.

This is not a grey issue. At it’s best, it’s unethical and the community should demand a change in policy. More likely, it’s illegal and I hope a judge compels him to stop this crap.

Trust us, we’re the law, the police, the prosecutors, the judges, the all white juries. We own the law and make, enforce, prosecute, and judicate it all for your (our) benefit.

These same prosecutors are of course aware that there is a shortage of legal defenders and the few who have that job are swamped with cases.

Good news like this just makes me suspicious now. I’m always on tenterhooks. My current paranoid thought about this is that Cheetolini is planning on starting war with the North Korean dictatorship soon, so he doesn’t really care what happens with the budget. He’ll get to spend all of the moneys on things that go

“Possibly” illegal? If this isn’t illegal, Louisiana’s legislators need to get off their asses and fix this. Off the top of my head, this could be considered fraud, impersonation of an officer of the court, and tampering with a witness (although they might be called something different in Louisiana law, they have a

How on Earth is this legal? You’d think the defense would have a field day with it if they knew.

There are tons of deep dives into the psychology at work behind false confessions and how cops ply their trade. You should check some out.

So, I’m reading through this googling stats as one does. Roughly half a million people are in prison that haven’t been convicted of a crime. Roughly the population of Sacramento, California is in prison with no conviction. Roughly 2 million people are in prison, having never gone to trial (plea bargaining). Basically,

It’s a big assumption what you would do under duress. For example, the police could do what prosecutors often do: “We’re going to convict you no matter what you say, so if you confess and plea and save us some time, you get five years. But if you fight, we’ll seek the death penalty and murder you for this thing you

A neighbor, father of kids a couple of years older than me, was a teacher.