
Ah..., but you’re thinking like a white person.

It’s not just the savagery that is disconcerting. Dealing with white people is exhausting. If it’s not the weird questions like we’re from Mars, it’s the snide remarks about our names and neighborhoods and families and education and culture. It’s the “I’m blacker than

You don’t know how much I hope he actually manages to do a decent and ethical thing. I don’t care if it’s for the applause. This city needs help. Those residents need help. The kids need help- a lifetime of it due to the levels of neurologically damaging chemicals and lead in the water they were forced to drink. This

The problem with clinicians is that a) they see a relatively small portion of the population, and b) the sample that they get ALREADY has a problem - that’s why they’re going to a psychiatrist in the first place. And since they’re not scientists, they don’t understand that correlation =/= causation. So they end up

“Marijuana is only slightly less awful than heroin.”

It’s used as an excuse to imprison black and brown and poor people to extract cheap labor from them. It’s not about public safety and never was.

It is 2017, we must stop litigating marijuana. The rank hypocrisy of a culture in which we are inundated with positive and affirming messages about alcohol and demonize every thing else is pure folly. Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same gender. Don’t like marijuana? Don’t consume it. Problem

The title of that article is horribly inflammatory, but it makes some important points about flaws in the evidence against Wilson.

I think the only “good” that came from the death of Michael Brown is that Darren Wilson, at least so far, isn’t allowed to be a police officer any more.

As time rolls on, I keep thinking “Ah! This will be the time that people will have to concede that this killing couldn’t possibly have been the fault of the black person who was murdered!” It didn’t happen with Trayvon, it didn’t happen with Sandra Bland, it didn’t happen with Philando Castile, and even though this

And based on the actions of our government, nor should he. I hope a civilian decides to get justice for Michael. Of better yet an angry mob.

Even when history tells me otherwise, my humanity won’t let me write off all white people the way they constantly write off people of color. Maybe it’s dumb, maybe it’s right... probably both. It’s hard to know what to do when it’s like an entire people don’t give a flying fuck and the few that really get it are

Won’t happen. Remember this?

Wilson could be prosecuted but he won’t be because those in charge don’t give a damn.

Except that’s the thing I don’t understand. Unless I missed something, double jeopardy has not attached because the grand jury decided not to indict him. This isn’t like the OJ civil case where he had already been acquitted and they could force straight answers out of him in deposition.

“¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What are they gonna do about it now?”

It was almost two years ago that articles like “‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie” came out, wherein everybody was now supposed to talk about the “true” events that happened the day Michael Brown was shot to death. I guess I look forward to seeing people admit, now, that Darren Wilson has changed his story

The murder, the “trial”, the questions, the judges, the lawyers, the go-fund me, the new house, the new white baby.... all exactly like 400 years of oppression is designed to look. He got his reward for doing what wypipo want white officers to do - kill non-whites, preferably black men.

The thing is, plenty of these stories are probably true. I don’t have insurance because my job doesn’t offer it, premiums too high, don’t qualify for subsidy, etc. BUT. Are these motherfuckers actually looking at what is wrong and making a good faith attempt to correct the flaws? No. Are they looking at the inherent