

Nice! Based off her work in Atlanta, she definitely has the potential to be fantastic in this role.

Forget dragging him down by his backpack, that kid needed a good old fashioned ass beating.

While getting physical with another student should be avoided, it seems like the school should have done something about a situation that had apparently been going on for months.

Omg, but how sad if this Ben really is your uncle? Like, I bet his family bragged about him non-stop when he was the HBIC at Johns Hopkins. I bet they have some petty friends just rubbing their kinship to Ben in their faces now.

It’s kind of a matter of  nature vs nurture?

Both are social constructs based on how others perceive and respond to your physiology. I would say the deal breaker for this particular woman is the long history of white people co-opting black culture, specifically because she inserted herself into the NAACP, and the fact that there are many, many opportunities to

There is definitely a grey area here and a lot of unanswered questions. I wonder what the daughter was doing during all of this. Why didn’t she come clean and let her dad know she let someone in the home? Had she fell asleep and didn’t realize he hadn’t left? If she was awake, I don’t understand how someone wouldn’t

After the Genarlow Wilson debacle, Georgia created a close in age exception to age of consent laws of 4 years (among other changes) and made it a misdemeanor (not statutory rape) if the older one is under age 19. Ergo, 17 and 14 is not illegal.

I have trouble faulting the father in this situation, as he did exactly what you’re supposed to do when you sense an intruder and are armed: announce your presence and the fact that you are armed. The scared kid, being a scared kid, understandably didn’t identify himself.

Thought it was 18+ for statutory rape.

I understand where you’re coming from and even though I personally dislike guns and would never buy one, I respect your point of view. I hope that if you choose to buy a gun, you will buy a lockbox along with it to keep it safe. I would also recommend taking a gun safety class - a good one. I don’t know what your

Wow. Way to assume the worst of someone who disagrees with you.

I can’t speak to actual harm she caused. Deciding how I should feel about her is clouded by the incongruous nature of this social construct we call race. What I have no confusion at all about is that she chose to pretend to be black - something she could change with a simple flash of drivers license or birth

My wife (who’s Taiwanese) is scared like mad and wants to purchase a gun.. (I myself (long story on what I am) am more reserved to the idea (precisely because the way US mindset works, possession of a gun by anyone remotely darker than a glass of sauvignon blanc is pretty much grounds to shoot first and ask questions

It will, because god forbid POC ever have anything.

The NRA just announced it wants to repeal the Second Amendment.

Could you imagine what a march on Washington or like, Kansas City, by legally armed blacks would result in?

I’d say there is legitimacy in the reasoning behind the surge in gun ownership; times are getting even more dicey for minorities, and, as demonstrated by the deafening silence of the White House on the recent shootings of the men from India, the Quebec mosque shooting, etc, it isn’t exactly being condemned by 45.