
I hate how some of my people have made being a Zionist a prerequisite for being a “good Jew”. What those people are doing over there to the Palestinian and Arab people is the same as what happened to my great-greats in Ukraine, Poland, Russia. It’s called a pogrom which is russian for “Nice village, it’s ours now.

The F&I guy wanted to kick me out when I bought my car. I made an appointment with the salesman on a Friday afternoon, test drove the car, negotiated for a few minutes, then agreed on a purchase price. On to the next room, I told the guy I’m paying cash and then he started trying to sell me every tacked on warranty

In those circumstances I wouldn’t be confident that the vehicle was in the condition it was specified and that I wouldn’t be back there inside a month arguing over whether whatever it was that broke or went wrong was covered by warranty or not and whether they were trying to upsell me something that I didn’t need.

I just watched it. When Matt Lauer, America’s Softball Lobber, grills someone, you know it’s bad. Also, Kellyanne looks tired and resigned at this point. It’s only been 26 days, Kellyanne. Buck up. You have a lot of lying ahead of you.

I mean not as much as he should’ve been, but his wife didn’t want to press charges and he got kicked off the team. But I’m more talking about the national outcry, I’m not confident there will be one here once and if the tape is released.

The people this shit needs to get through to, Trump’s dead-enders, won’t care. They’ll scream fake news at any negative story that comes their way about Dear Leader and his people because they’ve been programmed to discount it all.

I wonder how this will play out since he’s white and rich. Most likely no one will care because he’s white and rich and society has made it so they can get away with anything.

Yeah... I don’t want to weigh in on the situation as a whole, but that “free trip to Chicago” bit just SCREAMS bullshit.

Paying her off and threatening her.

Puzder must be keeping Fierstein on a financial tether. Of some sort for her to now go around defending him.

I think the first is most likely. Manigault is obviously someone he selected who is willing to sell themselves for the position. Of course, he’s using her for more than that. *le sigh* And she’s infinitely expendable by the standards of the other people he has selected to be around him.Therefore he can instruct her to

Serious question: does Donald actively seek out terrible people to associate with, or do normal people who associate with him eventually become terrible?

Got a tactical 12-guage, a .40 semi-auto carbine, and a WASR AK-47 in the past month. I’m a hyper-liberal gun lover who supports strong gun control, but right now I think the left needs to avail itself of the staggeringly insane ease of acquisition and arm the fuck up.

Buy a gun. I bought a little 22 rifle just to get my eye back in after a few years out of the service. I didn’t spend much on it, and it kicks about as hard as my service rifle. I’d buy an AR-15, except if I ever need an AR-15 (because we’re in a full-blown civil war) I figure I’ll just take one from the fat dead

So, I’ve been considering getting a gun permit for the past 4 months... Articles like this are making me want to do go through that process more and more.

I never get this, and I hate seeing fellow liberals falling into this belief. Like, we’re the most personally armed nation of the globe. Do they (and some of us) really believe they are the only ones armed in this country? Guess what? A shit-ton of self-identified liberals own guns, too. They just aren’t out on the

I read their statement thinking, “what, they think only they will be armed?”

This country needs a complete and immediate ban on RADICAL CHRISTIAN TERRORISM.

Not only is the Orange Menace giving these people a voice and a platform but he’s going to make sure that the task force that was keeping an eye on them stops doing so in order to pay attention to “Islamic terrorism” despite the fact that we are in more danger of a terrorist attack from these motherfuckers than

Dude, chill, it’s been two episodes! I quite like the twist with Eric’s war buddy and I want to see how that ends...