
I mean, I wouldn’t call it a great show, far from it. But it’s basically CW-level; in other words, decent writing, fun premise, characters you can root for, but pretty disposable.

I skimmed some of the third movie on HBO and it was really bad. Like, dull, simplistic, boring bad. But I’m not really shocked. When the first movie came out, the book (and it’s iconic and eyecatching cover) were really buzzed about and I considered reading them. And someone quite succinctly described the series as

Maybe because of the unshakable power of white supremacy that is in place?

Maybe because officers of color deal with as much discrimination IN the police force as civilians of color do on the street?

Maybe because when you see a problem and report it, you become a ‘rat’, kept in demoralizing assignments and become a

School playgrounds, at least, tend to extend the hours of restricted access by the public until 5:00 PM-6:00 PM so that students in after-school care programs can utilize them. Public playgrounds certainly are open to access but it isn’t really a matter of not inconveniencing kids. I’m sure that women would not

White dude actively pursues being gifted with a couple of new orifices, receives ultimate benefit of the doubt multiple times, and still lives to talk about it...

“It was pretty clear based on the cameras that they were there to make a statement,” Lt. Gary Mann of the Dearborn Police Department told WJBK.

Breanna, shouldn’t this be filed under WYPIPO?

I was gonna say... did this fucking moron just call SNL, a live comedy skit show, “Fake News”?

It’s not helpful if taken literally, no. But if taken as intended: as a joke, as some levity inserted into a situation to make you stop feeling sorry for yourself, laugh a little, and keep going, then maybe it might be a little helpful.

I agree. We’re not always going high. But we have been the ones reaching over the isle to “work together” while the other side keeps moving “together” further and further to the right. One of the first days after the inauguration Sen Schumer tweeted something about working together with trump to build infrastructure.

Because our side generally tells the truth and the truth isn’t easy or pretty or simple. The world economy has changed. Well paying industry jobs for people with a high school diploma are not coming back. Climate change is happening. We need to reduce our reliance of fossil fuels even if it’s going to cost us jobs at

If I remember Pres Obama raised the Federal Minimum Wage to 10.10 per hour and one of the first things So Called President Trump did was to lower it back to 7.25?

He fired them all. That’s why it’s such a perfectly analogous situation to the state of our actual government. He fired everybody when he took over and how his hired monkeys can’t even figure out how to turn on the lights.

Agreed! I’m good with directions and remember things, but I can’t tell you how annoying it is that I’m the only one among my friends who actively uses Google maps. It’s like people just automatically expect me to know things. Just because I know where NSE & W are while in Manhattan, doesn’t mean I magically know where

The hubris of these people cannot be underestimated,as well as the critical lack of common sense among many many people these days. I work with a lot of college students who all had great grades, but cannot figure out how to do the simplest thing - such as turning on a light switch. They are all terrified of making a

Reports were that his team never accepted the offers from Obama’s staff to brief them on the day to day stuff. Most have a transition team that is responsible to deal with all of that. Trump just tossed everyone out on the day of his ignorant-aration.

Right? Like there’s literally no one they can ask or call to figure out how to turn the lights on, or get a floor plan so guests don’t wander around THE WHITE HOUSE opening random doors????????

No one I’m Trump’s cabinet can see anyone who makes less than $1M/yr

I mean, maybe in his leisure time Trump could call maintenance and ask what’s up with the lights?