Feel free to dismiss the motherfucker.
I won’t reply to a troll, bc trollin’. Italians hate blacks bc they were historically desperate to lay claim to the privileges of whiteness in the US, when frankly, like the Irish, they weren’t always even considered to be white. And funnily (sadly), the ones with blood ties to actual Africans can be the worst…
Thank you. I’ve been sick of black rappers essentially making free hoodrat commercials, in the form of what’s often number one records, for designer houses that definitely look down on them (sometimes for bad reasons: racism, sometimes for good: rappers tend to be ostentatious & tacky as fuck in their presentation).…
Nicki has plenty of people who follow her why doesn’t she find an up and coming Black designer and collaborate with them? You’d help bring up unknown designers and wouldn’t deal with the disrespect from these white people who use your name but not return your phone calls.
This so clearly affects many people negatively it’s hard not to imagine sabotage in the future.
And a struggling company can go out of business. These are the business practices of a desperate company trying to compete and stay alive. The added pressure unfortunately creates desperate employees willing to bend rules to survive, themselves. The biggest issue is when the company doesn’t question the performance of…
Burn this program down
Woh...wtf. You have a kid pull a gun on a classmate and you don’t report it because he’s a football player?
What gets measured gets done...
My friend’s a manager at Gamestop and she has an interesting theory:
To be clear (and yes, I went to biz school), measuring performance objectively against some standards/goals rather than subjectively is a positive thing. But it’s important to do so in a way that doesn’t penalize the employee for doing their core job, lead towards min/maxing rather than reinforcing the right…
What’s sadder is that those classes explicitly state that using performance metrics can create agency problems (at least, mine did).
Exactly. That memo was just Tony Bartel blaming the GameStop employees, while completely ignoring the fact that it is corporates ludicrous COL program (and the threat of job loss that ensues non-compliance of said program) that are the cause of these actions...
Working in a performance metric-focused company (arguably, THE performance metric-focused company Amazon)..THIS.
Note the similarities to the recent Wells-Fargo scandal.
Totally agree, and I’d go even further. The corporate metrics are the ones driving that misbehavior, which wouldn’t be happening without this scheme to begin with. The whole scheme sounds like something some idiot straight out of B-school dreamed up - “we’ll measure performance based on their metrics, just like we…
See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.
This is complete bullshit. It’s a flat-out lie by Tony Bartel, period. GameStop has ALWAYS used pressure tactics on both store employees and customers in order to meet certain metrics. Overall store sales performance is irrelevant to the company, it’s all about the specific metrics they choose to focus on during a…
What a crock of shit. I’ve known tons of GameStop employees and they are ALWAYS afraid of repercussions from low numbers and don’t want to push whatever bs sales tactic GameStop is trying to shove down our throats wether it’s shitty Think Geek merchandise or a credit card.