
Well... I hope she goes on to do good things.
My little sister who is 11 idolizes her. She’s a bit of a tom boy... and VERY STRONG. Growing up with 3 brothers she learned at a young age not to put up with their crap... at this point her brothers and all the boys on the block know to watch their step and not give her

If she’s going to stay with the same camp/coach then yes she should probably retire. She’s made enough money so she shouldn’t subject herself to more brain trauma. Edmond Tarverdyan effectively killed her career by convincing her to abandon her base (judo) and try to box with far more talented strikers. It’s quite sad


*standing ovation*
**flood of roses on stage**

cut to Jeff Fisher in his janitor uniform, sweeping the stage of the opera house after the audience left, muttering to himself, I still dont get it.

“Wait...no weed though? Did they deflate footballs? No for either? Ok...Good.” - Roger Godell

The existence of a coach named Jeff Fish implies the existence of a coach in the NFL named Jeff Fishest.

I’m 15 years active duty Army. The comments on here neglect the importance of having active dissenters within the DOD system. It’s also important to have a military that reflects our society— the Army is way too conservative, southern/midwestern, white, and Christian. Is that the face we want to show the rest of

Kind of hard to hate people for the color of their skin when you share a life with them,

This. I grew up on an overseas military installation. I went to elementary and high school(and college) with people of all races, creeds and nationalities. It was a wonderful experience. I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that some of the military brats I grew up with are now Trump-supporting xenophobes. It

I appreciate the insight you offer. If you don’t mind a question; I’ve been listening to an intolerable number of call-in shows (on NPR, to preserve some sanity) concerning the Muslim ban and the voices in favor seem split pretty evenly among vets and people who sound like they aren’t even sure what a Muslim is, much

Seems like a divide and conquer technique

What kind of country which has basked in unbelievable wealth and good fortune for at least the last hundred years has a social structure in which someone’s only choice is to become a professional soldier?

I’m torn. I’m a veteran of the 1st Iraq Shit Show and the Cold War. I didn’t join out of patriotism, I was in a crappy small town and I wanted out. It worked. Being the military actually MADE me a Liberal. (Kind of hard to hate people for the color of their skin when you share a life with them, hard to hate

Don’t buy a fucking word

I know most people think “who cares what celebs think”, and in some (most?) ways that’s very valid.

Agreed. I don’t think people on either side of the political spectrum hold the moral high ground on this issue. Lots of innocent civilians have been maimed or killed by the U.S.’s “adventures” abroad under Republican and Democrat presidencies. Things will likely get worse under Trump. But it’s our freedom and

My uncle, who I now realize to be a xenophobic idiot, responded to a post on my wall (where I detailed my concerns about the unilateral and swift nature of the ban while relaying how my grandparents’ ability to immigrate to the US helped them rebuild after the Holocaust) by citing some Pew statistics about what % of

Donald Trump is basically manna from Allah for jihadists. He should start bragging about how their recruitment numbers under him are the YUGEST, now Ronald Reagan was bigly, folks, very big for jihad... but there are people saying, the very best people, that their recruitment numbers under me will be better than the

Spec Ops have been “glorified” in films for waaaaaay more than 5 years.

“Go watch the ‘93 Finals when John Paxson hit the shot,” James said. “Barkley and Jordan were laughing and joking with each other during one of the games while somebody’s shooting a free throw. In the Finals. But, oh, nobody were friends back then.”