It seems like you got the frontrunner and the underdog mixed up here, at least as far as the right’s interests go?
It seems like you got the frontrunner and the underdog mixed up here, at least as far as the right’s interests go?
You know, every time online someone has said “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!” I have rolled my eyes, because despite loving Zoolander, nothing that actually weird is going on.
A Monday-evening protest in downtown Columbus, Ohio, was abruptly ended after police used mace on the demonstrators…
Over 50% disapproval rate in only 8 days. You know he is not liking that.
People like Trump rely on our reluctance to behave in this manner. Nice people don’t do such things, and all that.
I’m tired of the “poor Melania” BS. I’m all for dragging her.
Every once in a while, the internet will bring tears to your eyes. And a viral video from a Baltimore City classroom…
Well the guys from Anonymous are on his case now, which I was hoping for before the election, but better late than never. When they seriously sink their teeth into something, they can be brutally effective. I just hope they have developed a clever code to let the others know if one of their own has been compromised…
They are. They are laying bare his hypocrisy. He may not care, but a majority of people still think he should release his tax returns. He will never stop hammering the citizens of this country with lies and falsehoods, we can’t stop hammering back.
This cannot be emphasised enough. He is protected by a government full of people who are happy to let him becuase it fits in with their own agenda.
I think you might be wrong about the only validation Trump cares about is power. After all, how many days did he cry and whine about how Obama had more people come to his inauguration. He’s incredibly thin skinned and cares about his perceived popularity immensely. Otherwise he wouldn’t whine so much when he gets…
Agreed. Nothing I have seen from Trump shows that he has any actual ability to shrug something off and in fact the problem seems to have grown with his rising level of power. One of his very basic campaign premises was fueling the Red voter off a steady diet of anti-immigration isolationist rhetoric. Even if he…
He may have power, but power to a narcissist is hollow without adoration. Look at how angry he became over the crowd size issue or every other public slight that throws him into a tantrum. Embarrassing him publicly is one of the only things we can do that will without fail make him desperate and vulnerable.
Exactly. How do you shame a man who has none? He has no dignity or honour. He is a pig. He has shown us many times that he is willing to operate completely outside all norms and break any rules he finds inconvenient. People are slowly coming to realise what a danger he poses but too many are still far too blasé about…
Luckily for us, he apparently reads the NY Times and WaPo on a daily basis (at least the parts about him, probably not the rest). His followers all consider that stuff mind poison and only get their info through Breitbart and similar outlets, so they have no grasp of how unpopular he is. He knows, though.
I mean, I agree, but I still think it’s right to keep demanding the documents that reveal his hypocrisy.
And the rest of the Republicans are doing everything they can to shield him.
This is the problem right now, and why Trump is winning this war for the actual power in America: people are still dealing with him in civil and normal terms, as if both sides of this fight were operating inside the same boundaries of democracy and public accountability. As this Senator is doing, expecting that such a…