
Sally is a Hero!!!

Also, the WH page is pretty explicit about “supporting law enforcement,” I assume you are too obtuse to read between the lines.

I would LOVE to see them in Congress. They have had the misfortune of an indelible education in our government and its laws. They are personally, daily, viscerally, awake to American criminal injustice. We need people in Congress who don’t have to condescend to talk about reality for blacks, or for the poor. Who

STEVE BANNON is now on security council and in his ear. An out and proud white supremacist is changing our country. Jeff Sessions is already saying he is 100% behind the police so what hope do citizens shot and or killed by police have at getting justice. Grow some compassion and brains.

“increasingly worried”

“The only way we can be part of the change is if we start with local government and we work our way up.”

Let it go.

Nobody, least of all the Jewish groups, said those others should be erased.

Competence in executing on a simple fucking plan certainly isn’t part of their skill set.

One of the things that keeps coming up, is a lack of understanding of the Constitution amongst the right-wing. I’m not American, but time and again I see stuff where I clearly have a better understanding of the 1st amendment than right-wingers moaning about being censored on websites. They fail to grasp that companies

From what I’ve read, they failed to consult with any of the departments involved, so it’s little surprise that the plan was crap and impractical. They then only distributed the order on the day it was to take effect, thereby not allowing the departments who would be required to implement the plan, to be able to work

That presumes they’re competent - and they’re not. Maybe they’re trying things out to see what sticks, but they don’t know what they’re doing; they’re not going to come out with a second round of orders that are, all of a sudden, craftily written. These are guys with no government experience writing orders with no

I just can’t decide if their incredible incompetence should be considered a good thing or a bad thing. I mean imagine what they could accomplish if they knew what the fuck they were doing???

Holy fucking God Almighty, you have no idea the anger running through my system right now. Rae Kushner is from an Eastern European town that isn’t that far away from where my family lived at that time. A quick internet search shows that her family may have been murdered in the same massacre as my own family, and may

As a Marine combat vet, I have mixed feelings on letting women serve in infantry companies. On one hand, if they can hack it, why not? Can’t lower the standards. On the other, I weigh 185 dry, and almost 250 in full gear. We had men that couldn’t handle that, and they never went on patrol with us.

It made me happy to see how many lawyers rushed to the airports to start doing pro-bono work for these people. And the protesters who came out to show the world that not everyone agrees with whatever 45 is doing.

Always remember that people like this guy exist too:

Same, we could be here all night discussing the dictators USA propped up in one way or the other. I used to think the (dubious?) genius of it all is Americans would never allow the same on their own land.

hello. i’ve been crying all day. this is so shitty. i have some cousins in a camp in syria and they were hoping they’d be able to get here but i guess not. i’m home alone, i’ve been crying on and off (the protesters at JFK really make me cry and i love them all). i’m cooking something to remind me of home and trying

Also available: 7th Duke of Cheetoshire, The Apricot Pol Pot, Benito Cheetolini, Cheeto Benito, Dolt 45, Il Douche, The Mango Mussolini, The Orange Twitler, POTUS Asteriscus V, Tweetle-Dum, The Yamchurian Candidate.