I wish I could take credit for that. I picked it up from someone here or on Deadspin. Sadly I can’t remember who...
I wish I could take credit for that. I picked it up from someone here or on Deadspin. Sadly I can’t remember who...
Or his sister...
That.Is.Hilarious!!!!!!! How have I never seen that before?!??!?!?
“Getting Trump by going after his wife is pretty shameless.”
I no longer think Trump will be impeached when the Rebublicans feel he’s outlived his usefulness. He’ll likely be the first president to die in office of natural causes since FDR. This overwhelming opposition to his policies must be taking a terrible toll on his health. Protests, celebrities calling him out on his…
“Nobody owns the holocaust, asshole.”
“Probably deliberate”??!?!?? No way this isn’t from the mind of that racist,xenophobic, antisemitic, Holocaust denying asshole Bannon.
I’m aware that there are quite a few female leaders in the military. I’m also aware that one of the reasons that their aren’t more (aside from clear sexism) is the weight promotion boards give to serving in combat arms units. It makes sense for the military to value those who perform the primary mission higher than…
glad you got so much out of what I wrote...
I agree that what she did has nothing to do with her offspring, assuming they weren’t raised to be terribly racist people too, but a lot of what people are posting here is simply angry hyperbole. I take exception to your last sentence though.
“It simply boils down to... make products optimized specifically for Japan.”
I’m an American who lived for a time in Germany. I don’t claim to know enough about how Germans think about their own identity, but I think you are plain wrong about the quality of German cars. I loved driving BMW’s, VW’s, Seats, Fiats, and even Opels when I was in Germany. Many of them were good, solid cars, but my…
The FUQ are you on about? If “better than a terribly misogynistic country” is our only metric, then we are in a lot of trouble. Miles above some other countries simply isn’t good enough when women are treated as babies who can’t do jobs they’ve been doing for ages, or be supervisors or leaders - despite great success…
Does anyone else read his demands for “evidence” contrary to what the Parks Service already publicized as deliberate threat, and worse - a demand for fake photos? I know that Trump is delusional. I realize that depending on where in the crowd one was, ones perspective of crowd numbers can vary widely, but the…
“or else the GOP will call them obstructionist, vote past them, and Trump can go on TV and show it as evidence that they don’t get anything done.”
OMG, so true. I caught part of an episode of cops last weekend, because my dvr records a few minutes before scheduled recordings. I was screaming at the tv after watching. Cops in Vegas had responded to reports of domestic violence. They walked to the door and entered after the wife said it was ok. The husband calmly…
“...when you take someone full of determination, energy, and drive, who’s asking ‘how can I help and what can I do,’ and turn it into hesitance, apology, retreat, and disengagement, you’re doing the enemy’s work for him.”
“BLM is based on the premise that all police shootings of POC are wrong.”
Yeah, looks like I did! Apologies...
“...do we really have time for babies who take this so damn personally and can’t even be bothered to engage in a productive conversation about it?”