
You make good points. Many of us feel the same way about a lot of what you wrote, but I totally understand the feelings Kara conveyed in her post. If someone isn’t obscenely rich, then that person has something in common with everyone else who isn’t. We don’t have to agree on things like abortion, or climate change,

Yeah, I’m aware. It was rather dickish that the blanket pardons were invalidated. Denying voting rights to those who have paid their debt to society is antiquated as hell, and if I recall correctly, may actually be a holdover from the racist as fuck Black codes which were intended to essentially reenslave African

“When informed that pirated video content can result in studios losing money—***hurting their ability to invest in creating new content***”

I’m really conflicted on this. I agree that it’s utter bullshit that a conviction should have effects that follow someone around for life, and have no problem with those being removed, but... there are millions of others who need a pardon more. McCovey would be fine even without a pardon. Not so for innumerable people

“If confirmed, I look forward to understanding the past actions and the current situation better, and to ensuring that the intent of the law is actually carried out in a way that recognizes both the rights of the victims as well as those that are accused,” she said.

“Every one else is supposed to work extra hard to evolve with the changing markets and labor needs but not the white middle class, nope. They should just hang on to outdated jobs because the government will help them...”

“ Obama didn’t bring much hope and change once in office so these people decided to vote for the next person who promised it.”

“Let’s get on with our new election and right this travesty.”

Nope. Nowhere close.Not all of them anyway. Given the things we know to be true about the man, the story presented in the report sounds half plausible. Add to that the server communicating with Russia, reported before the election, which we have a strong reason to believe, and the Buzzfeed story becomes even more

Bullshit. They had regulations to follow and they chose not to do so. Not just in the US, but in their home continent of Europe too. THEY DID THIS. No one forced them to. It’s even more egregious in Europe where Diesels and VW are far more popular than they are here. Their competitors made it work with the same damned

Nah. VW is only doing the right thing because they got caught AND the courts forced them to. Given how often businesses have been able to avoid responsibility for their fuckery, this isn’t exactly a typical result. Owners are being compensated well, but they were NOT the only people effected by VW’s deception. There

As a person of color, I have to humbly ask that all my fellow liberals (who happen not to be POC) to remember this child who will get no justice, the next time they let “#alllivesmatter”leave their mouths or keyboards...

While I’ve never worked for Comcast, I disagree. Working for a Comcast competitor leads me to believe that the issue is a lack of adequate staffing. Those employees who are working, are likely working longer hours, with fewer days off in order to restore service outages caused by the weather, while still keeping up

I’ve asked people who currently have security clearances or have in the past the same question. The answer I always got, was that the punishment is up to the agency for whom the offender works. A few have gone on to state that NOONE GOES TO JAIL FOR THIS. People lose csecurity clearances, and jobs, but unless the

Yup! Mi man Boog can do no wrong. I mean he can, but I’d never acknowledge it. Shit, I just acknowledged it, didn’t I?

I half think it’s Dana still having a grudge against GSP for having the temerity to stop being a company man when Dana talked shit about him at that last post fight scrum. I also think it’s half about the damned Reebok deal getting the final straw that breaks it. I always wondered how the Reebok deal didn’t constitute

I don’t have a problem with their reporting that someone has made the accusations, or even a daily report of the trial. I DO have a problem with the click baity story titles/synopsis’ and the assumption of far too many people that Rose must be guilty. Anyone who has concluded that Rose and friends are guilty of rape

Every once in awhile someone will suggest that working for a time in the service industry should be manditory for everyone. The thought is that this experience, however brief, will give everyone some perspective on how things actually are in these fields, removing any b.s preconceived notions of them. I used to think

There are so many things about this case that bother me. Jane Doe’s account of the evening in question paints everyone except herself as  varying shades of immoral. Rose, his friends, HER friends, everyone except herself. Based solely on her account, I actually think she genuinely believes that she was raped that

I actually read this story expecting to be able to quickly comment that the dude was obviously upset that schools are finally responding appropriately to allegations of sexual assault and/or that universities may be overstepping on these cases in a deliberate attempt to neuter Title IX. After reading, I’m not at all