
Yup... And the part that really drives me insane, I mean REALLY DRIVES ME INSANE, is that no will will report that this policy isn’t unique to NY. It is in use EVERYFUCKINGWHERE, it’s just that other police departments generally have enough self awareness to not document it as an official policy - it’s just normal

Disturbing, but this is an aspect of the mistreatment of of people of color at the hands of the cops that goes unnoticed by most - How we have to prepare our kids to live in this world. It’s a common theme that runs thru the black community. Many of us can give examples of our parents being extra strict with us

I don’t know anything about his lack of remorse. Haven’t seen him interviewed or anything recently. It is possible that his lawyers instructions on how to respond to questions make him appear to lack remorse though.

Whutthewhat??!??! Who is ok with him punching her because she was “annoying”? They had words with each other. Someone says he directed a homophobic slur at her friend, he said she directed a racial slur at him. She shoved him and he tried to calm the situation down, then she slapped him. THAT lead to the punch. It was

The problem with education has never been about the schools. It’s always been about the homes.

Ya know, it’s funny... I so judge people by the cars they drive. The neebish guy who drives the only living Nissan Leaf I’ve ever seen. The Dude who drives the early 2000 Benz to prove he knows cars and has taste, even though the leather is beat to hell, and there are several ill fitting body panels. The olds who

I went from agreeing that your spending is way outta control ($1500 a month to feed 2 adults and 2 kids?!?!?!!), to mostly understanding after reading your subsequent posts, To being utterly mystified that you’d mention things like:

I like that you wrote “above his best weight class” rather than ‘above his natural weight’ as most people tend to do, considering natural weight can be interpreted so many different ways. I don’t want to dismiss his ego as a contributing factor to this “retirement”, but I think the recent death of another fighter at

PREACH. G’damn, this piece is so on point. And unfortunately, NECESSARY.

I’m not capeing up for this rapist piece of shit, but why can’t he? The confession, whatever form it takes was given in exchange for the 9 year sentence. Since that’s off the table, why would the confession be admissible? I applaud the judge for not simply shrugging her shoulders and laying any public wrath at the

“Except none of the 300,000 who surrendered were shot, just as we had communicated to them through hundreds off leaflet drops.”

Not that simple... How would *you* leave a warzone? An armored vehicle provides safety, while a civilian car provides some measure of anonymity. You suggested following the example of the soldiers who surrendered, but those soldiers all accepted the possibility that they could get shot in the face (or bombed) even