
You need to relax, man.

But...she doesn’t look particularly Asian at all. I’m no fan of the show, but just by looking at the art, she doesn’t really look like any specific ethnicity.

I’m still surprised they get an boatload of praise when practically every game they work on is a buggy mess.

We don’t have to just ‘deal with it.’ We can show them the fuckin’ door. Their inability to function like normal human beings isn’t our problem. We ain’t raising these asshats. We don’t need to provide them a safe and secure place to deposit the radioactive garbage they use in lieu of actual human interactivity.

TLDR; Don’t bother reading this shit. It’s just an angry rant, preaching to the choir I’m sure. Just needed to get this off my chest...

Not all of us live in the States you know. When you wake up in the morning, casually check Facebook and see in the news sidebar the headline “Kit Harrington discusses Jon Snow reveal in latest Game of Thrones”, all of six hours after the episode airs, then there’s a serious lack of consideration being given. Then when

There are an awful lot of heartless, disgusting human beings here posting about how the girls deserved it or it’s their own fault.

This is the first time I’ve heard a standup comedian compare white people and black people things. Innovative!

I haven’t seen one. So . . .

Same reason white people make ironic racist jokes probably:

I’ve gathered you’re quite popular around here, so I’m probably going to get my ass handed to me for even asking you this, BUT:

It’d be nice if we stopped using the word “race”, but that’s the way people think of the combination of skin color, genealogy, and shared cultural experience. Technically, we’re all the same “race”, the human race.

If she actually believes this, I’m down. Using race as an identity is something people 1000 years in the future will look back on and say “the fuck was wrong with them?”, and then go off about their interplanetary business that may or may not involve sexing aliens.

I would assume the organizers are hoping for something a little beyond being “aware of privilege”, though. Hence the name.

Well, the problem is that that would not describe the project correctly, if in fact the purpose of it is to critically examine whiteness and its origins and meaning.

Wait, what? Isn’t a project to analyze the meaning of “whiteness” and its history a pretty obviously good idea? I expect to see people upset about that at the Daily Caller, not here.

Hi there, I am a student leader at Portland Community College. I am helping to organize this event. I just wanted to let you know that we are addressing intersections of privilege—in fact, we have multiple workshops about this topic going on this month. Whiteness History Month has been really difficult for our school.

It’s when the other person just disappears. They never break up with you or tell you things aren’t working out. They just suddenly stop answering texts/calls and disappear. It’s pretty cruel.

yeah it’s horrible, but also understandable when you are surrounded by a culture that is so horrendous to anything not-white.

I mean, look at the push back I’ve been getting from my initial comment! And the knee jerk reaction to absolve Democrats of racism by bringing up tangential issues makes me feel like people are being purposely obtuse or just really do not know how to face, or feel uncomfortable facing, racism in the left.