
It’s an example of a thread that certain people who claim to be historians have turned into a rope. Like just about any other people, the Irish have been slaves and slaveholders throughout history. However, the Irish slave experience in the Americas, which was used by the English as a way to rid their territories of

This is nothing new. The War on Drugs was always, always about funneling poor Black and Latino males into the prison industrial complex. And legalization was always, always about increasing revenue in already predominately white, wealthy areas while the people responsible for all major innovations in the production,

A guide on how to respond without being racist when viewing comedy of this type:

I don’t think all that many Australians think the detention camps are “good” so much as “the least bad option we have.” Since Australia is an island and the only ways in are by air or sea, our asylum seekers come via dangerous long boat journeys and many of them die, and there were many really awful tragedies. For a

The first-generation individual is different from fourth, fifth (yes, such a thing exists, thank you); the South Asian individual is different from the East Asian. Folks from Hawaii have a very different perspective on race than folks from New York or Georgia. Some of us may be adopted to two parents of different

It feels somewhat uncomfortable to me that a writer (I’m not sure of her racial or ethnic identity) is effectively asking someone to other themselves, or conform to a specific identity that they may feel they have little in common with. I can’t remember ever seeing anyone asked why they don’t act more Irish or French,