
I loved everything on Kablam! I certainly never forget Prometheus & Bob.

Honk Kong...

I think you’re missing a ‘to’ in the headline. 

Honest question: why do you need to go 60mph in 4 seconds? 

Ya know... it’s almost as if a neighborhood popped up over their natural mating grounds. But, we as humans, would never intrude on nature. Remember how dumb that stupid sea turtle looked while trying to bury its eggs in a parking lot? 

Is this an episode of Good Mythical Morning?

My mom used to make this for me as a kid. She’s put cheese and peanut butter on saltine crackers. I still love it. 

Oooooh. When you said the ‘true Avengers’ I totally thought it was going to be a picture of the FX department. 

Whenever I see stuff like this, I always fear for the person’s partner. If they have this short a temper and a willingness to immediately reach for racist remarks, I shudder to think what goes on IN the home.

NXT is a far superior product and it blows away Raw and Smackdown on a consistent basis. The bottom line is that Vince has to go. Hunter seems to have a vision that’s working. So, let’s see what he does in the driver’s seat. 

They should just take a page out of Draymond’s book and knee everyone in the balls. It’s worked for him in every Finals appearance thus far. 

What is the point of having a savings account anymore? 

The only way I could see them topping this is if the next big pay-off movie featured the X-men and brought back all of the original cast in some way (it might sound ridiculous, but comic book characters never truly die). Seeing the Avengers and the X-Men share the screen against a big villain like Onslaught would be

Honest question: at the end of the day, aren’t these still private companies? Can’t they ban anyone they want? Much like a restaurant with their no shirt, no shoes, no service policies? 

I’m torn because I want to see Jim Carrey’s Robotnik. But, I in no way, shape, or form want to see that Sonic (sorry Ben). Maybe I’ll wait until it’s out on digital and someone edits out all the Sonic parts. 

How many times can you impersonate someone, make false accusations, and try to create smear campaigns before there are legal ramifications?

We have this iconic image of a character that’s been in use for nearly 20 years. Why – the hell – would you insist on changing it? Just make him look like he always has! Imagine if the Pikachu movie gave him long legs and drastically different features. I just don’t understand. 

I thought it more a byproduct of all the beer.  

I feel absolutely awful saying this, but when I see ‘New York’ above those two, blocky ones... my mind immediately thinks of the twin towers. 

Call it. That was the best thing I’ll watch today.