
I always figured the main problem the humans in that universe isn’t the zombie virus, it’s the I-am-a-psychopath-lunatic-survivor virus that is the bigger problem.

Vincent D’Onofrio’s performance in the first season would have generated awards talk were this not a “superhero” show. It was as much about him as Matt Murdock and I hope they remember this for the third. And it’s gonna be seriously loose if it’s based on “Born Again” given the importance of Captain America at the

I’m 5 episodes in and so far Jess’s quips are my favorite thing about the show. Especially when she tells Matt nonchalantly “You look like an asshole” with her scarf wrapped around his head.

OMG !!!!

I finally finished Iron Fist the other day to get ready for this. Still have half the season of Daredevil season 2 to get through (I lost steam on that hard) and then will be able to dive into the Defenders. I really REALLY hope they have better fight choreography and writing for Danny because he was joyless and the

The Defenders aren’t just the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s street-level heroes, they all punch things really hard—and that’s part of what makes them so unique.

Now playing

This sounds vaguely similar (kind of) to The Cell. Also Peter Dinklage can sing. That can only logically mean that Dinklage is the new J-Lo.

“Iron Fist is more than a little frustrating, what with being a Very Special White Man Hero With Super Hands with no interesting character traits outside of that role”

He may say something now that Dany has arrived to take back Westeros, or at least confirm it if it’s revealed by Bran. I feel like having Meera leave to go back to her father was setting something up with Howland Reed later on.

Ohhhhh yes I see what you’re getting at! Though it is a bit confusing. A prince who was promised to be a savior, is kept a secret prince to everyone by a promise.

Because it scares the fuck out of you when a predator does this to you. As soon as she felt powerful enough, she had him removed from the venue.

Yup. Absolutely. Every single woman on this earth knows that fucking pull away.

There’s a theory that Jorah the Explorah is the Prince who was Promised, and also that Sam is the Maester who chronicles ASOIAF, so if those hold true, their bonding time is actually very relevant. IF.

It felt like DB and DW had a conference discussing “the audience hates the Dorne plot. Is there a way we can just get rid of that plot thread while simultaneously making Euron look badass and threatening?”

I fucking loved Book-Dorne, expert players of the long game with girl ninjas

Are they showing it all in three consecutive nights again? Because I had my doubts about that but, as it turned out, I really enjoyed it that way.

Glad to hear that, based on her portrayal of Jennifer she just seems delightful.

I’m seriously going to miss the batshit craziness of Jennifer Goines. Emily Hampshire really did an amazing job with that character.

Aww, they really like me!

Should have used the Hound.