
You know why female praying mantises eat their mates after they copulate? Because they know that assholes like this exist.

Is Gamergate still a thing? Can’t we just ignore it more til it goes away?

I don't care if they reboot it with 3 goldfish and a hamster I'm fucking over remakes

(giant fart noise)

Not sure “controversy” is the right word to describe what surrounds the Ghostbusters remake. “Controversy” implies some legitimate material dispute of facts, interpretations, or values. This is just a mass man-child temper tantrum.

Look at Fassy! So good.

“Michael Fassbender, who appears in almost every shot, is expectedly tremendous as Jobs”

Maybe the F is supposed to be silent ...?

Very effective. Just reading the phrase “which hole is the clit??” made my clit climb into my body to hide.

You don’t want to “flick the bean.”

Maybe you should stop arguing emotion and go read the 14th Amendment. All kids born here are US citizens. The. End.

To my dear Mexican-American brothers and sisters in Texas,

From the Post: “He described himself as the result of a “crisis pregnancy,” born while his parents were in their junior year of college.” “I always grew up with the understanding that some people have kids in less than fully intended situations and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Can we have a moment of silence for Lisa and all her drunk ass bonding with plants glory? Legendary.

I loved Yoanna. Those early seasons were SO watchable.

this was my favorite season

I hear Cat Fancy Magazine, too, is gonna stop showing pussies, opting instead for thought pieces by Lewis Lapham and Paula Poundstone.

Hey, I totally relate to the pregnancy thing. It is the WORST. Of course I’ve had an exceptionally difficult one, but yeah. Awful. Can’t wait for it to be over.