I think it’s unfair Madeleine included quotes from the article but no pictures of Charlie (WITH A SWORD AS A GRITTY KING ARTHUR), but that’s just me.
I think it’s unfair Madeleine included quotes from the article but no pictures of Charlie (WITH A SWORD AS A GRITTY KING ARTHUR), but that’s just me.
Cady’s tweets remind me of the obnoxiously vague and fatalistic status updates that certain friends post of Facebook and then refuse to explain.
In Putin’s Russia, Amendment firsts you!
I’m laughing so hard at this comment that I am coughing.
I guess Russia never heard about THE FIRST AMENDMENT!!
Gwen and Coldplay too.
A relationship borne out of infidelity has pretty high odds of not lasting. Why? If they are willing to cheat with you, they are willing to cheat on you.
As long as Blake gets custody of Adam Levine, you’ll be fine Miranda.
I grew up pretty broke and use those sell by dates as a guideline. Mostly I do a “sniff” test or poke around at the food and observe the texture. My husband grew up upper middle class. He acts like the sell by date is the law. Also anyone else grow up just cutting mold off cheese instead of throwing the whole piece…
New childcare business idea: daycare centers that offer delayed payment if they’re watching your kid becuase you hve a job interview. Start paying after your first paycheck! The goodwill guarantees that unless they’re an utter shithole you will want to keep bringing your kids there.
IUDs do not work for me and caused me an insane amount of health problems. The article fails to mention that MOST women get bacterial vaginosis after the insertion of an IUD. If you are unlucky like me, and 3 of my girlfriends, you will wind up with round after round of a seemingly uncurable BV that oscillates between…
It’s way dramatic. She’s likely leaked many hundres times that amount down her shower drain or into a breast pad. I’d be more pissed off over the money.
You should get a safe reliable car....like a Honda. They have great airbags.
I think it’s easier for everyone to turn this into a question of whether Joan Jett — a famous person we’ve all heard of — did something ethically/humanly questionable back when she was 16. But what we really need to be focusing on is the grown man and rapist who committed these atrocious acts. Not only did he…
Individual religious beliefs have nothing to do with who the state should allow to marry. If someone’s opposed to same sex marriage, they should refrain from entering one themselves and should join a religious denomination that shares their views, but there’s no reason a person who opposes same sex marriage on…
I don’t know but I sure hope that every season of True Detective is largely just Pizzolatto hamfistedly addressing criticisms of the previous season.