
Well, since you appear to have read the books, I’m gonna add my two cents here below. For those who haven’t:

Jon cannot be who he is meant to be if he’s in the Night’s Watch. Death cleans that slate. He is reborn into someone, something else.

My loans are older, and they predate a lot of the income-based repayment options. (The positive there is that they also came with much more reasonable interest rates.)

As the balance gets closer and closer to zero, making payments has become more gleeful than chore-like.

Vox “Rabid Puppies” Day has spoken approvingly of acid attacks on women as a societal good, so you’re spot on.

This would have been even funnier if you were even slightly exaggerating. At this point, the best we can hope for is that they’re all too busy trolling the discussions about Rachel Dolezal as an excuse to rant about their transphobia, misogyny, and racism.

Meh. I would hardly call this “freaking out” and it seems it’s resulted in women being proud of their brains and their sense of humour. I’d call that a win.

The role that killed him (and a shit-ton of other people)!

My favorite example; John Wayne as Genghis Kahn.

About time Hollywood started to get “paranoid” about this. How many roles in the history of Hollywood cinema have been whitewashed?

I had to have it pointed out to me. Didn’t pick it up either.

... No, I hate myself for not seeing that before. That is just as bad.

Yes. But in fairness can you also hate on the name Live More?

I’m really torn about this, I’d have liked more episodes but I think 13 episodes was just about perfect. I could see brain affectation of the week getting old pretty quickly. This kept it to relatively little filler and everything remained fresh.

I enjoyed him going Death Wish on the Zombies. He’s just a regular guy, but fundamentally decent guy, trying to make his way in a world he doesn’t understand, hobbled by lack of information from friends who are in the know.

He isn’t exactly awesome, but he’s a good guy and doing better with what he’s been dealt than

“Gamergate is NOT about hating on women! Now stop bullying me, you fucking cunt!” Mmmm-hm.

I know that ‘ham planet’ is an awful term used to be shitty towards fat people but now I am mostly just thinking about how wonderful and delicious a planet full of ham would be. Sort that shit out, NASA.

Copied from my post on Gawker, since the entire Gawker empire is now following Biddle’s “I can’t get a job for Conde Nast, so I’ll attack their most-read property” weird crusade (that would deprive Gawker of a good lot of content if they had their way).

So much outrage over a site you can access for free and are not obligated to use at all.

Yo, kids! FUCK YOU!